Sunday, June 30, 2013

'Bye, Canada!


  1. You are taking Canada's sun with you in your hair. You are carrying light.

  2. I'm going to assume Javier took this picture?

  3. hold on to those feelings as long as you can....

  4. I have enjoyed your travel diary, the peace, tranquility and awe have transcended the page and I feel rested too. Thank you for bringing me along. Such stunning imagery, and I still think you have a photographer's eye. You look rested and peaceful, don't know if it was the vacation or Javier? Happy trails home dear friend.

  5. I love to see you smile. Safe travels and a happy homecoming.

  6. It makes me happy to know that you have had this joyful respite in a city which I love so much; it feels like a thread connecting heart to heart. I believe you cannot lose your "Victoria," because you can carry it with you in your heart. I hope it will remain a touchstone for you, to bring you back to your "respire," like a sacred mantra. Godspeed and safe travels homeward.
