Saturday, December 20, 2014


So, last night I made gnocchi with Italian sausage and Savoy cabbage. I'm using this very cool food service called Blue Apron which you should check out all on your own as this is not a sponsored post nor an infomercial (I only hawk friends' books and creative endeavors). That's Saint Carmen in the background, helping with Sophie. When the boys sat down to eat, I learned that they had made a bet on whom could keep their hands the straightest throughout the meal for the longest time.

They set the table that way. They got drinks from the fridge that way, including ice. They sprinkled parmesan cheese that way, and they ate and drank that way. They also laughed huge guffaws throughout the dinner while Carmen, Sophie and I shook our heads and occasionally burst out laughing, too.

Reader, you know how you wonder what dark secrets lie behind families' seeming normalcy?

There is no darkness here, and there might not even be light.

There is idiocy of the merriest proportion.

When Oliver started screaming that his hand was stuck and then, for real, started to nearly cry because of the pain, when I stopped drinking my 22 oz. bottle of hard cider long enough to rub his cramped hands vigorously, Henry declared himself the winner.

Later, I had to lie down to digest all the merriment and my 22 oz. hard cider.

How lovely are my branches.


  1. Indeed. How lovely they are. Because you are.

  2. I love you and your silly boys and your beautiful daughter. And St. Carmen too.

  3. Well, y'all certainly aren't the Waltons! I used my small Christmas tree to tie on the top of a toy woody station wagon. If I had another one, I might decorate my head!!

    Merry Christmas to all.


  4. well, I certainly won't try that hand challenge!

    one of the most uplifting things about your blog is that you share the reality of your family. Imperfect, silly, exasperating, joyful, loving and always in motion. It's real life, and whether it is nutsville or tranquil, it's all good.

  5. I think I'll keep my hands like that all the way to Michigan tomorrow. :)

  6. Just the chuckle I was looking for, thank you.

  7. Oh the silliness! Award winning.

  8. Wow a small glowing tree sprouted from you head...very festive indeed!

  9. LOL, how does the subject of keeping your hands like that in a contest even come up? Never would have thought of that! Delightful.

  10. When Oliver started screaming that his hand was stuck and then, for real, started to nearly cry because of the pain, when I stopped drinking my 22 oz. bottle of hard cider long enough to rub his cramped hands vigorously, Henry declared himself the winner.
    I have been there. I recognize the script, I have played the parts. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Then it stops being funny until it becomes funny again. And gets added to the family lore. I love you your stories bring to mind my own.

  11. I meant to say I love how your stories bring to mind my own, but I think "I love you; your stories bring to mind my own." would be a better clarification. :-)
