Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Morning Devotional

Barnside, Marin County, CA 2015

Jack Gilbert's poetry

The blue sky after a bit of rain

A friend's dream of me being pregnant, two times

Not being pregnant in any way but the metaphorical

Suddenly Adult

The train's stopping wakes me.
Weeds in the gully are white
with the the year's first snow.
A lighted train goes
slowly past absolutely empty.
Also going to Fukuoka.
I feel around in myself
to see if I mind. Maybe
I am lonely. It is hard
to know. It could be
hidden in familiarity.

Jack Gilbert


  1. I love, "I feel around in myself to see if I mind." Awesome line.

  2. Why is it that every poem you post I think, "Whoa. Exactly"?

  3. I just love that you love Gilbert. He's one of my handful of go to guys.


  4. Those last three sentences though. Wow.
