Friday, November 21, 2008


Since I don't have a scanner, I took this picture directly from the computer screen. It's my first real page of editing notes. Sometime next spring, an essay I wrote will appear in the series Cup of Comfort, an actual hard-bound, available on Amazon and bookstores everywhere kind of book. I've had other stuff published, but I've never gotten an email with real editing notes on it, from some sort of incredibly complex (although the editor says it's simple) program. I have to say that I was very intimidated by the amount of red ink all over it, the delete column stretched down the entire page. But the editing was, for the most part, perfect and I feel really official.
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  1. ooh, that is intimidating. So thrilled for you!!

  2. congratulations to you! and yes, that would be intimidating, all those underlines filling the page in that formal way... and yes, very official too. what a great feeling. congrats!
