Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Good News

I heard back about two submissions of my work. The first is from a group called expressing motherhood. I sent in an essay about a walk that I took with my children one afternoon in our neighborhood when we looked up and saw a man with a gun standing on the sidewalk. It turns out that the piece is something that I have to perform with other mothers in January. At a theatre in Venice Beach. More on that later.

The other acceptance, or semi-acceptance is from an online literary journal called Literary Mama. This particular essay is called "A History of Sleep," and the nonfiction editors want to do a little editing before giving it to their senior editor and publication. I'm very excited about this acceptance because the online journal is excellent.

Now if I could just get cracking on this dang book of mine that is a whole lot of pages and whole lot of disorganisation.


  1. How cool is it that I get to be the first to say, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  2. Congratulations!!! They say things come in sets of threes. Hold onto your hat!

  3. excellent, elizabeth!! bravissima!

  4. Congratulations! Yes, LitMama is excellent. I've gotten the reject from them before - congratulations on the yes!
