Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hopeful Parents

I'm over at Hopeful Parents today.

Check it out HERE.


  1. I'm all for the pastry chef thing...I used to be a baker in my former life! All scratch, in little, tiny overheated kitchens with very little equipment. Often left the place smelling like quiche. Call me anytime baby!

  2. I find annoying that blogger doesn't contemplate an "email me" link! I'd like to link to that post, which is public and yet so private - I'd feel better having your permission ...

  3. I loved this posting.
    I'd apply for the job, but I don't have the experience necessary...but I do have the outlook & sense of humor. Since I'm having so much trouble here keeping out of the chocolate-covered raisins, I think your pastry should go to someone who has trouble finding her appetite. God bless you on your search!
