Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Corner View Wednesday - MUSIC

I'm hard put to explain just how important music is and has been in Sophie's life. It has reached her when nothing else has, and the efforts of K, her music therapist, week after week have been soul-changing for all of us, but the effects are less than obvious, not clinical in any real sense and it's hard to quantify them. From the early days of osteopathy, when Sophie was seen by Dr. Viola Frymann in San Diego who was accompanied by a piano player right there in the treatment room to today's Wednesday music therapy sessions with K, Sophie has been exceptionally responsive to tone and rhythm. Her favorite toys are actually music makers:

a cabasa

rapper snappers (maybe not music, but the sound of the pulling apart is so pleasing!)

the beautiful guitar-playing of K

and actually strumming the guitar herself

Every year we're supposed to come up with a justification for music therapy so that our local regional center will continue to help fund it. How to quantify or even qualify her calming down at certain tones, her taking a turn doing something, her attempts at vocalizations, her being reaching out and toward those who play with her?

And here's one of our favorite songs that we listen to in Sophie's room as we lie on her big bed, looking out at the trees swaying as the sheer curtains flutter. It's an old Irish blessing, sung at the end of yoga classes taught by those who practice Kundalini yoga.

For other corner views and more music, visit Jane at SpainDaily by clicking HERE.


  1. how lovely that music touches her so deeply !

  2. My daughter learned to speak again because of music. The hard science behind what music does to the brain is there. Why no one listens, I don't know. It's also been proven to improve outcomes of those learning to walk again...they use music during gait training. If you ever need a killer study, I'll fax/mail/email you the stuff I have.

  3. There's a lot we don't know about music therapy and how deeply it reaches those who may not be able to tell us just how much it helps. As I listened to the music (which was beautiful), I scrolled down and read your entry "Witness". As the music played softly in the background, I marveled at how great our God is, to have placed YOU in Sophie's life, and how comforting it must have been for you to have your friend share that moment with you, however difficult it might have been.

  4. Sophie's hands tell a compelling story about the significance of the music to her.

    Thanks for the music. Great way to greet the morning.

    Ha! Another lovely irony -- today's word verification is "bless."

  5. beautiful post elizabeth. i do believe in the power of music:) besos! love sophie´s curls:)

  6. Beautiful! My heart is overfilled. I'm glad music is a special corner for Sophie. The song played is very touching. I hope the funds continue to come in. xoxo

  7. a very touching post ... Jane is right I also do believe in the power of the music ...

  8. Where would any of us be without the ability to express and feel expression through music? It's hard to quantify expression for "the man." I hope Sophie's therapy program continues to get funding. It sounds like she benefits from it greatly.

  9. How interesting and beautiful.

  10. Another blog I read talked about music healing therapy with tibetan music bowls ( .... I use music purposefully to fight off depression in the winter. It is a powerful tool. I was wondering if your corner view post this week would include some kind of music therapy for Sophie - it jut makes sense! I hope you can continue it - that will will remain available - it is soooo important!!!

  11. Lovely corner view... Music is an universal language and you give us an idea of that...

  12. i love those rapper snappers around here too.
    what a powerful post. you captured it all well.

  13. Are the people at the regional center alive and breathing? My god, look at her in that first picture. Of course it helps! It helps us all. It speaks to us and causes us to speak. I hope it keeps going!

  14. the power of music is immeasurable. i didn't manage to get on the corner view for this week, but posted about music nonetheless.

    thank you for this really intimate post.

  15. it is so true. music is heard and felt on a spirit level for all of us. loved the song.

  16. So glad to hear she enjoys music therapy. I used to work for the music therapy association and have a couple of friends & relatives in the field. I have seen how powerful it can be.

    We are starting with Marielle this August. I'm excited!!! Though not excited that our insurance won't pay for it, but I will deal.

  17. oooooh great post. inspiring and now perhaos you can use this blog post to support that funding. Btw, your daughers looks VERY flexible in the shot with the guitar.

  18. Music IS powerful. I love your pictures of Sophie and the guitar. Very touching.

    And Snatam has such a beautiful voice. I've had the pleasure of hearing it live a couple times (as she grew up here). She is a radiant is Sophie!
