Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No Corner View

I have no view of my corner, today. The theme was STAPLES, which I'm assuming meant food. I confess to just not getting around to photographing any food.

The only staple we have around here is that The Husband owns and works at The Larchmont Larder. You can check it out here. It's full of staples and other delights. And you can check out all the other corner views of Staples 'round the world by going to Jane at Spain Daily. She's got all the links!

Thanks to all of you who commented on my blogversary. I will anounce who receives This Lovely Life on Monday, so if you want to be in the running let me know!



  1. Hi Elizabeth!

    So great meeting you and hearing you last night.

    As promised, my blogs are, and a little creative writing experiment called a friend just recently got back from Europe and she took some hysterical photos so hopefully I'll do some more on that one.

    So excited to read more of your writing! Brad

  2. Congratulations on your blogversary!

  3. I was stumped too .... I kept thinking of packages of food stapled shut - like beef jerky you'd buy at a road side stand - weird huh?

    Now I'm off to check out the Larchmont - lucky girl to have a personal chef ;)

  4. OMG - what a menu! Stone Fruit Salad - wow!

  5. what a great place to work! hugs-jane

  6. I totally understand. I have those weeks too sometimes. Enjoy your week and see you next :)

  7. I want to eat at Staples. Badly.

  8. The Larchmont Larder looks like a lovely place. What a menu!!

  9. The Larchmont Larder looks like a very cool place. And one year! So important. Glad to have found you.

  10. Funny picture and... quite an invitation ! nice idea ;)

  11. Oh, wow!! What a beautiful restaurant!! I can't wait to show MODdad this! We have a dream of one day owning a restaurant... which is also up there with living on a sailboat and sailing the world. So do you and the kids eat there quite a bit? So lucky!

    Happy Eating!

  12. Congratulations on your fabulous blog.
    You make me laugh, cry, think, contemplate and more.
    My favorite post is "She in there, She know"
    Have a great day!
    my word verification is "stink"
    that's not very appropriate.

  13. The Larchmont Larder looks like a very nice place mmmm.
    Congratulations with your anniversary!

  14. hi elizabeth!!!
    The Larchmont Larder it seems such a great place to eat!!!
    and you said "no corner view"!!

