Thursday, August 13, 2009


Claire sent me this and I just HAD to post it, given yesterday's rant. Thank you, Claire.

Switch out "our schools" with "HEALTHCARE," add an "s" to "get" and

Perhaps simplistic, but it's the principle, right? And for all you lurkers out there, I KNOW there's someone who totally, utterly disagrees. I'd love less of a one-sided discussion (and that's not dissing those who are dear to my heart AND mind who comment regularly!).

Bring it on (without packing guns or being disruptive -ahem...)


  1. I'll send my mom right over....

  2. Guaranteed you know I agree 100%.

    Love Renee xoxo

  3. Anonymous -- that's the trouble with the right -- they're the first to remain anonymous? I know that you said you were in agreement, but why not honor your beliefs by being yourself? And I still have NO idea who you are or who your mother is. But if she's anything like my very conservative mother, she would NEVER be anonymous!

  4. I'm sorry, dear. I can't disagree with you.

  5. Wouldn't that be great! My husband just lost 6 days of pay due to state budget cuts. As if we were not all ready hurt by this economy. Ugh!

  6. Of course we ( Paul and I ) agree, but it's late and we're in the car en route from the jersey shore to CT so we're going to try to come up with some counter arguments just to keep ourselves awake. Ok, thinking....

    ....we tried but everything we thought of was lame and weak and I couldn't make myself type any of it.

    You're right. That's all we got.

  7. I totally know who anonymous is...

    ok, no I dont..

  8. you know me as a npn-lurker from day one :)
    and - I, too, am in total and happy agreement
    thanks for the smile :) .... I will never look at a bake sale the same way again

  9. As you are there for me sweet Elizabeth I want you to know that I am also here for you.

    Love Renee xoxo

  10. I am with you ALL the way, no dissension here.
