Monday, August 24, 2009


Some of you have expressed concerns about the Book Meme that I posted below. I had nothing to do with this list -- it was sent to me ages ago by I don't remember who. I just thought it would be fun to post it and see how many of these books I'd read. I agree that there's no rhyme or reason to this particular list -- Dan Brown and Jane Austen?

And as for my lack of Harry Potter reading, I can't explain. I've read the first volume and thoroughly enjoyed it, but both boys have no interest in the series. Weird, but true.


  1. The list is as varied as anyone's interests are, I supposed. Many of the books I mentioned for example were read during my years in school and at the University. I didn't count, as someone mentioned the works of either James Joyce, Ayn Rand or Marcel Proust for example or for that matter any of the "requested reading" because of that factor; During my years there Catholic schools and Universities had a tendency to request the reading of seldom anything other than what was considered by the governing body "classical" literature.

    Reading by the meter as we used to call it seldom had the same impact on me as to find by myself or at the suggestion of another book worm something akin to Anaïs Nin's Delta of Venus(discreet cough inserted here) or bumping into Allen Ginsberg's Empty Mirrors in a library shelf.

    Harry couldn't seduced me for any reason at all. I have no explanation for that. I have the entire collection in the event of ever having a grand baby, but other than that...

  2. I can put out a GREAT magazine list. Country LIving, In Style, Artful Blogger, Real Simple...I have studied them all.
    As for books, I am currently reading Curious George Rides A Bike, Fancy Nancy, Clifford's Friends, and Mother Cats Busy day.
