Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Corner View Wednesday

The theme this Wednesday is "Out the Car Window." You can see Corner Views all over the world by going to Jane at Spain Daily. Click HERE.

After almost causing a few wrecks in Los Angeles city traffic, I handed the camera to my eleven year old son. He did a good job, I think, of capturing some of Los Angeles' more gritty, urban life that lies right out the car window.

This speaks for itself -- Paramount Studios, just around the corner from the boys' school.

(not sure why this appealed to him, but hey, it's a California fire hydrant)

More Paramount studios and movie trailers -- ubiquitous in our neck of the woods.

Los Angeles evidently has the most per capita burger joints in the world. And we're not talking Golden Arches -- we're talking vintage fabulous, like Astro Burgers.

What is that? Henry asked, before snapping the picture,  because it's fast becoming an anachronism -- an old public telephone that has seen better days.

a snippet of Melrose and if you look at the sign above it, I think another home foreclosure notice (sadly quite common in these abysmal economic times)

Happy Corner View!


  1. Thanks for this travel... i'm just a little sick in the car !

  2. Like I said before, when I was in LA, every block was like deja vu- all because so much of it has been on film that I've seen.
    Very cool.

  3. I actually really like the hydrant shot! A similar photo I took 35 years ago got me the job of high school photographer for the yearbook!

    Great idea, thanks for sharing.

  4. Tell your son he did a wonderful job! And that I like what he showed us. He should join our little CV community. ;)
    Have a great day, Jeannette

  5. You have a future photographer there! He took some great pictures. Love the yellow fire hydrant.
    Thanks for sharing LA.

  6. he did a great job!

    thanks for sharing-
    have a beautiful week over there!

  7. Hey, put your hands together for that 11-year-old! Good photos. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  8. From Paramount to the home foreclosure notice: he did a very good job, very interesting views.

  9. I'm glad you had a cohort with you .... it was probably quite a fun job for him :)

    love the fire hydrant :)

  10. He has quite an eye for composition! I could see and feel the light, the energy, the joy of California through his eyes, and your words. Thank you for this corner view.

  11. thanks henry! that was so much fun! hugs!

  12. I enjoyed this short trip in LA. Nice!

  13. Fantastic!! He has a future in front of him with that lens! Great shots!

  14. those ARE great shots. thanks for the cv

  15. Very nice! The burgers place makes me really want one of those good, old-fashioned, juicy burgers... Mmmm!
