Saturday, September 26, 2009

Silent Saturday

Improving Upon Silence
The most important step in developing skillful speech is to think before speaking (or writing). This is called mindfulness of speech. Few things can improve the nature of our relationships as much as the development of skillful speech. Silence offers us, and those around us, the spaciousness we need to speak more skillfully. When we speak with greater skill, our true self—our compassionate, loving self—emerges with gentle ease. So before you speak, stop, breathe, and consider if what you are about to say will improve upon the silence.
- Allan Lokos, from “Skillful Speech,” Tricycle, Winter 2008


  1. Thank you for this Elizabeth- a very restful approach to a hectic world. And the photo is stunning!Did you take it? You have such a visual sense for beauty: I always look forward to the images you post along with your words. They have their own way of speaking in silence.

  2. This is very important, and I need to practice (& remember) it!

  3. Sarah - Yes, that's a photo I took in Yosemite this summer. My son had collected a bunch of things from the area and arranged them quite artfully on the banister of the porch.

  4. This is something I need to do big time. With such a huge family if you don't jump in, you don't get heard.

    Love Renee xoxo

  5. And sometimes it is better to remain silent because there is just nothing to say. And sometimes sharing silence means much more than sharing 'words of wisdom'. Thanks for the quote.

  6. Love this! as usual :)

    btw, i "nominated" you for the Lemonade Award... when you get a chance, go to my blog and read the post that describes how to pass the award on and make sure to read my write up of your blog too :). i was more psyched to nominate you and the others than i was for RECEIVING my award in the first place :) lol!

  7. "silence" and "spaciousness" .... something I crave .... no wonder

  8. that is truly a beautiful photo. wow!

  9. That is some of the best advice I have ever heard.

  10. Thank you for sharing this wonderful quote. I also liked the picture of the leaf. I think it suited the quote.
