Thursday, October 29, 2009

Laying Eggs

As a writer I feel, sometimes, as if I were a chicken laying an egg. I run around frantically, pecking and pecking and eating bits here and there; a bold and strange muse visits me when I hardly know what to do and then with a bit of exertion of which I'm only partially aware,

OUT comes an egg.

Here are two new eggs, recently released:

The Mom Egg is a beautiful literary journal, filled with poetry, art, prose, fiction and photography. I am honored to be in the new Fall 2009 edition. Click HERE to download the journal and read my essay as well as my good friend Denise's.

The other egg is

My Baby Rides the Short Bus is an anthology of writing by parents of children with disabilities. I believe I'm probably the least of a very rocking, edgy group of terrific writers included in it. I haven't received my copy, yet, but I think several of the writers, including the editors, have done readings in Texas and New York City.

I'd love to know what you think of my eggs, and since my skin is certainly NOT eggshell thin, comments, criticism, anything is welcome! (Do chickens have ears?)


  1. I can't access your article. Dammit.
    And yes, chickens have ears and yes, that is exactly what it is like- waiting for the muse.
    And oh, don't my chickens make a fuss when they have laid an egg! The whole flock joins in and they cluck and bawk and the rooster is proud.
    I swear.

  2. How wonderful to hear about both of these publications. I had seen My Baby Rides the Short Bus on Amazon and was looking forward to getting a copy when it came out.

    I'm delighted to hear that you're in it!


  3. I'll check these out. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    I started another one, which is on hiatus right now. It's called "The Moon's Broke." My oldest, when he was a toddle looked up in the sky one night at the 1/4 month. He took a deep sign and said, "Oh, no! The moon's broke."

  4. You write beautifully. (I haven't read the articles yet, I'm just saying in general.)

    Love Renee xoxo

  5. What a wonderful, heartfelt and honest piece. I have read your comments before about the Mermaid, and I agree with you. Have you let her get wet when at the beach? I realize all the problems with a bathing suit and so forth, but how about letting her walk into the ocean? There is a reason I am asking you this. I wish we were closer, oh how I wish we lived next door...sigh. Love to you and to her, as always.

    verification word: froth

  6. That's really beautiful. And I didn't know that about selkies. Congratulations as well!

  7. Congrats! I was able to read the Mom Egg piece--very gentle and generous. A wonderful piece of work.

  8. I haven't read the articles yet, but I am so excited. This is really wonderful!

  9. Ms. Moon -- Why can't you access? I will send you a pdf copy if you'd like!

    BLOOM -- Thank you! I think you'll like the anthology. I got my copy today and it's much bigger than I thought.

    Corrie Howe -- I love the name of your "other" blog. I love the moon, obviously!

    Laura -- More like a big fat hen!

    Renee -- Thank you, dear!

    Allegra -- Yes, Sophie gets wet all the time. She walks right into the water. She has a bit of trouble gauging how to walk with the tide/waves coming back and forth, but we hold on tight.

    Criticlasm -- Thank you!

    Jeneva -- Coming from you, that's high praise. I appreciate it!

    Chris Tea -- Let me know what you think!

  10. I was finally able to download the Mom Egg pdf and read your piece. It was so beautiful it gave me goosebumps.

  11. That trope about laying eggs and its similarity to writing is so beautiful. I loved it. I can't access your article. For some reason it comes back as access denied.

    Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  12. I'm so thrilled at your successes. I've got this dream that after the new year we can do some serious combing through our manuscripts together and then make that push to publication.

  13. I finally accessed your article. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. I have seen the movie you spoke of. I too feel like my Clay is from another world. You described the seemingly undescribable so very well.

    I can't wait to get a hold of the book too.

  14. Reading your writing is a humbling experience. It reminds me that the combination of straightforward honesty and a sense of the luminous are the most powerful combination of all. Thanks for sharing your work, and your life.

  15. "Indescribable" would have been a better word on my comment. What's happened to my spelling? I had to come on here and say something because my mom is an English teacher and I couldn't take the guilt, plus I'm obsessive....
