Monday, October 19, 2009


When I posted about Compassion Fatigue, I received lots of comments. One of them was, ironically, from a compassion fatigue specialist who found my blog through a google reader that alerts her to anything pertaining to the subject! How cool is that?

Here's her comment back with some wonderful resources for compassion fatigue.

Françoise Mathieu, M.Ed. CCC. Compassion Fatigue Specialist has left a new comment on your post "Compassion Fatigue":

What a wonderful post! I would like to let your readers know of some free resources and articles on compassion fatigue. Some of the resources were originally designed for professional caregivers but I believe you will find some helpful information among it even if you are a caregiver.

There is the compassion fatigue awareness project, by Patricia Smith:

My own website: with a whole bunch of articles on strategies and self care resources if you click on "Resources and links" Finally my colleague Jan Spilman who is a caregiver herself, write a weekly blog at

All the best, Françoise 


  1. I had never hear the term before, but totally think you hit the nail on the head.
