Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thank You

Cecilia Beaux (American, 1855-1942)
A Little Girl

A while back I got an email from someone who reads my blog and has one of her own. She wondered whether Sophie enjoyed music and told me about her own daughter who is evidently a musical wonder, singing and recording at a very young age. She wondered if Sophie would like to hear her daughter's music and gave me the links. The music is beautiful, as is this woman's blog which you can read HERE.  She asked me whether I would give her my address so that she could send me something. I said yes.

Yesterday, I opened an envelope in the mail and a cascade of dried flowers dropped onto the table with a tiny ziploc bag of a gray, powdery substance. The cover of the card was a copy of the above painting which I had never seen before. The girl resembles Sophie a bit, especially in the intensity of her eyes. Inside the card was this note:

For Sophie
Ash, also known as vibhuti,
blessed by Amma.
Dried flower petals blessed by Amma.

I had heard of Amma, the Indian spiritual teacher who is known for her smiles and hugs and unconditional love and humanitarian efforts. I believe that when she came to Los Angeles recently, she received an incredibly long line of people to embrace and just, well, love.

Thank you, T, for this beautiful gift to a stranger. It means more to me than you know.

Blogging has been an incredible experience for me -- opening my world up to a wealth of information, to people from many different cultures and countries. The people whom I've met -- YOU -- have wowed me with your writing, your photography, your advice, your wisdom, your children, your troubles, your beauty, your humor. Many of you have sent me gifts, books, cards, crafts.

I'm nowhere near Amma but I sort of see you all as this long line of people for whom I feel gratitude and even love.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.


  1. What a lovely gift!

  2. My kids and I were talking recently about the hugging guru and how, if we did become religious, that would be an awesome religion to practice.
    Blogging is an amazing way to expand your horizons and honey, you deserve all the blessings you can get and when I saw that picture, I thought of Sophie.

  3. "The love you take is equal to the love you make."

  4. wow that's really cool :)
    a perfect gift :)

  5. How wonderful!!! I love the painting.

  6. We cannot love what doesn't inspire us to love. We may accept, may even feel a world of other feelings but love inspire us to give the best of ourselves in return for nothing. You are loved and so is Sophie because you share your love freely. Otherwise we wouldn't be here.

  7. That is beautiful and heartwarming!

  8. What a beautiful story. I went on her web site and also thought one of her girls looked like Sophie.

  9. How heart hugging for you. And Allegra, your comment is beautiful.

    And may I thank you, Elizabeth , for sharing your world, your love, and your connections.

  10. What a wonderful lady.

    I think the little girl looks like Sophie too.

    Thank you dear Elizabeth, when I see your little boys I think of Catherines' little boy, I think he was 6.

    Love Renee xoxo

  11. What a beautiful picture...took my breath away when I first opened my reader. What a lovely thing for someone to do for you.

  12. I'm quite moved by this story. I know the blogger, and I know the young singer's blog, and it's amazing how it's all connecting in goodness. What a beautiful gift.

  13. I think this is where I find the hope -- in the love and kind gestures of strangers. What a lovely gift!

  14. So wonderful! I too have met some of the most amazing people through the blogosphere... people I have never seen or spoken to, but whom I love and respect dearly. This is why I love blogs :) - especially yours!
