Tuesday, March 23, 2010

If I can't

be cheerful all the time, I can keep posting photos of spring in Los Angeles.

Here's a Meyer Lemon blossom. This little potted tree has hundreds of blossoms -- the leaves are yellowish which means it needs a little fertilizer but lemons are on the way!

In the back of the yard, I've got a tangerine tree and an apple tree whose branches are literally entwined. So much for the expression about apples and oranges, no?


Apple Blossom

Apples and Tangerines

And just so you don't think it's all some sort of southern California bucolic paradise, just to the left is this scene:

which I think is some sort of scary guillotine-like structure, made from an old dog crate, ropes and discarded baby toys and balls. I had nothing to do with it.


  1. Had no idea you were in my area,well, we are actually up Ventura way.As a native New Yorker,can I say how very much I LOVE this time of year here?Earthquakes and all.Haven't looked back since our move 20 years ago!

    Beautiful photographs.

  2. Oh, your flowers! They make me smile. That set-up on the swing-set reminds me of one of your son's drawings. Maybe he's bringing it to life.

  3. wonderful! (and cheerfulness is vastly over-rated)
    but now I AM cheered - so there!

  4. That last photo was so funny after the flowering meyer lemon tree...we all have those days don't we? At least nature helps to distract our muddled days...

  5. Espoma citrus tone for avocados and citrus is the best there is to feed those babies. Our Meyers are pregnant with buds and the little one has probably about ten lemons from a winter in the greenhouse. And I am sick - and tired - of being sick and I love the last photo. Which may prove how "sick" I really am.

  6. Spring blossoms can be helpful in cheering one up, at least for a little while :)

    Just stuck my head out the window to make sure I'm not deluded, but no, the orange and lemon trees have ripe fruit this time of year here - most of winter in fact - there are not as many now, coming from England this always strikes me as odd. Although I have seen some cherry blossoms elsewhere and plenty of daisies :)

  7. I recognize that funny, Rube Goldbergish contraption in your backyard! I do miss flowers and fruit trees. We had both year round in La Jolla and Charleston. However, I must say I had started taking them for granted. Here in the Chicago area, I really notice when things start to blossom out. When we first moved here, our youngest son was eight. It was February. One day he asked "mom, what killed all the trees"? The child had never seen a deciduous tree!!

  8. I love the swing set ! Makes me almost miss those days.

    Thanks for sharing the spring that we are barely getting this week here.

    and I do hope that Sophie is doing better

  9. i grew up in san diego...
    thank you for stirring up memories of sweet lingering fragrances.
    like night blooming jasmine through summers bedtime open windows.
    take care my friend.

  10. This post brought a smile to my face. Beauty and real life intertwined:-)

  11. So jealous, but then not jealous of all the smog, expensive houses, and traffic. Have a happy week.

  12. mmmm. meyer lemons. I ned to have them shipped to me, you have them out your door. sigh. I am the least cheery person I know, so I understand the feeling as well as appreciate the beauty of the scenery. The contraption is very clever!

  13. (shhhh...quick come visit please..
    you will see why!)

  14. Oh, your images are lovely, Elizabeth. Citrus trees give off the most beautiful scent.

  15. oh nice. beautfiul pics...sure feels like spring...thanks for stopping by over the weekend, just getting back in the groove after bing away and catching up.

  16. the only manner in which my yard resembles yours is, sad to say, the guillotine.

    we also have a menagerie of home-made bows and arrows, slingshots, and spears...(sigh)

