Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Sky From My Car Window

Highland and 3rd Street, facing west


  1. beautiful sky; so good to latch onto a moment in which a 'blog friend' is living.

    and so very good to sign on and find a new photo on your header. makes me stop and think in the middle of my routine...

    peace to you and yours this evening, elizabeth.

  2. Oooo! What a haunting sky. Good capturing.

  3. Looks ominous. I didn't know you had those kind of skies in L.A.?? ;)

  4. Aren't we lucky to live on a planet with SKY?
    And it changes all the time!
    That is a beautiful shot, dear.

  5. Always good to look at the sky. I used to keep my cool when I was stuck in Miami traffic by watching clouds and imagining how I'd paint what I saw on my bedroom ceiling. I never got up the nerve to cloud up the ceiling but I was happy in traffic.

    Thanks for your comment on my post about my loved one's struggle with Lyme. I know you understand some of what she feels.

    PS Love the new masthead photo!

  6. Just spent 30 minutes reading all your recent blogs. I am moved and touched and inspired and agreeing with everything. I needed this! Thank you....

  7. It's so hard to think of you, down south, with a cloudy sky. It looks like that A LOT up here, but I'm always expecting that beautiful BLUE from your environs. Is it a nice change? Does it make you love the sunshine even more when it's not visible for a bit?
