Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad!

I think I've always been a "daddy's girl" and today is not only Easter but my gorgeous father's birthday. I wouldn't know where to begin to describe him or our relationship, but I love him deeply. He is wickedly funny, wise and steadfast and true.

Happy Birthday, Dad! I love you!


  1. beautiful.
    happy birthday to your pops!

  2. unexpected beauty. divine. this daughter father love.

  3. Gorgeous! The photo and your father, with that Marcello Mastroiani look and the adoring look you are giving him that shows you were and are your Daddy's girl. Happy Birthday to him and many happy returns of the day.

  4. And fabulously handsome, too! Happy Birthday and Happy Easter to you and ALL of your family. XOXO

  5. Gorgeous. I was my father's daughter as well. He understood me better than anyone. Hold your relationship close, life is short and we don't always know it.

  6. I'm just going to say it- I am jealous of any woman whose daddy looked at her that way. Any woman whose daddy was there when she grew up.
    That is a gift you can never in a million years have enough money to buy.
    Happy birthday to your daddy.
    Tell him he did good.

  7. What a gorgeous photo! Please tell dad happy birthday from all of us!

  8. Such a beautiful photograph, in every way, of the two of you. Simply wonderful.
