Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My favorite flower

doesn't grow well in Los Angeles (it needs a deep freeze, I think), so when I saw these

LILACS at Trader Joe's, I bought them:


  1. We have a beautiful row of lilacs bordering part of our yard. They smell wonderful

  2. I do adore lilacs....I have none and have thought of adding them to the garden...do deer like them? I will have to find out...they smell so lovely.

  3. I love those too. We had some next to the driveway growing up (in Iowa), but I've never seen them in TX.

  4. I have many lilac bushes beside the garage and they are bursting into full bloom. The air is redolent with their lovely smell. I wish I could bring you an armful. I remember missing them so much when we lived in La Jolla. They do need quite a cold, dormant period. There are some perks living in a cold climate!!


  5. My mother has 14 huge lilac bushes in her yard. Went by there today and came back with three bucketfuls of them. They fill the house with their heavenly scent. Wish I could send you some.

  6. I love lilacs and have 5 trees out back. But I LOVE the photo in your header!!! xo

  7. Deep freeze ... that's why the grow so well here! Still, I think I'd give up my lilacs for a warmer climate.

  8. Ours won't bloom this year since the debacle in the walled garden, but they are safe now, planted and next year they will grace the garden and I will think of you.

  9. Another thing we share!! I grew up with them...they are ubiquitous in South Western Ontario.

  10. Lilacs are spectacular.
    We have one , rescued as a mere baby from our first house in the dark of night. Like the new owners had even noticed it out back:)

    It's the common one, good Canadian pioneer stock, but I love it to pieces. It usually blooms close to Mother's Day , and I bring offerings to all my sister friends. I've posted even about it . In my usual skirting around the details way, back when. I don't have a Mother or sisters, so it's very poignant. As are the short lived blooms once inside.

    sorry for the ramble. Ms. Moon's post is swirling about my soul this morning.

    hope you are well. And that Sophie is doing okay?

    I would bring you lilacs, dear sister friend.

  11. We do not have lilacs either. They seem to me, having living in Florida all my life, to be almost mythological.
    I am glad you bought some to bring home, dear Elizabeth. Buying flowers for ourselves is one of the sweetest and most profound gifts we can give ourselves, I think.

  12. I'm not surprised the beautiful lilac has so many fans. I love them too. I have a small tree in the front yard, but it doesn't get enough sun, so the lilacs come very very late in the spring and even then, they are small. I need to move the tree, but the effort is more than I can manage most days. (I am not a good gardener!!)

    One of my favorite scents :)
