Thursday, April 22, 2010

Taking a Breath

People must love a controversy because yesterday's post -- TIDEGATE -- gave this little old blog almost four times the amount of hits that it generally gets. Weird, is what I say.

I'm taking a breather today and posting a beautiful poem that I read online a few days ago. I emailed the poet, Dan Lear,  for his permission to post it here, and he graciously said YES. The journal is qarrtsiluni, and you can click HERE to actually listen to the poet reading his poem.

Perspectives on the Geographical Cure

I stood that morning with my back to the Atlantic
feeling tall. My shoes had been in six oceans.
My shadow etched a line across America.
By West Virginia I was smaller. Above straight
walls of rock the sky was a circle
I held in my arms.
In Kansas I saw the overpass twelve miles
before I reached it. At 80 mph
I stood still and disappeared.
I swelled and burst in the desert of New
Mexico. The dry air
sucked me brittle, a seedhusk losing seed.
By Needles I was too thin to matter
when the car broke down. I walked back to town
afraid no one could see me.
Finally, Monterey and my chest to the Pacific,
expanded like an eclipse.
At noon the sailfish lept into dark.
I was surprised to find you, still in me,
the same size you were when you left.
-- Dan Lear


  1. and thank him for me too.

    and you.

    I didn't comment on the Tidegate. I had some snark ,but let it go. If I email you, do I get to be your people. I'd love to make you laugh. Who can survive without it.
    Crazy here these last few days, so this breath was needed.

  2. And sometimes it does work. The geographical cure.
    Maybe we just like ourselves better some places. Maybe. Who knows?
    Good poem.

  3. You just never know what one will get responses to. And so it goes...the image caught me ....
