Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday Prayer

Claire, at life with a severely disabled child has this prayer, that she wrote, posted on her sidebar.

It is my prayer today.

In this moment I accept that I have been given care of a very fragile person.

I accept that I may likely never know why this task has been passed to me.
In this moment, I accept that I need not know more than the fact that what I do has value.

With that, I will care for this person to the best of my abilities.
I will forgive myself for the days I could do better, but don't.
I will forgive myself for the days I would do better, but cannnot.

I seek to have clarity of thought that I might make choices most in balance with the many intertwining lives, including my own.
I seek to be supported in whatever ways financial and emotional that will maintain this balance.
I seek to learn how to draw from a well of infinite patience and energy.

I open myself up to the possibility of joy, of fulfillment, and of grace.
I accept that, in this moment, it is all I can do.


  1. Good prayer. Very good prayer. When I read yesterday's poem from the Writer's Almanac I thought you might like it, might even post it. Designed to Fly by Ellen Waterston. Did you read it? It reminds me some of that prayer.

  2. Thanks Elizabeth...My Sophie has had a few very bad days, and in the middle of it, she said what I posted today. This PM, things are on the upswing. Thanks for asking, thanks for caring.

  3. Amen! I wish that all who need what this prayer asks for could receive fulfillment.


  4. Beautiful prayer.Just beautiful.

  5. thank you, elizabeth.

    for introducing claire's prayer, as well as alerting me to the fact that it is sunday.

    the last week has left me completely outside of time.


  6. A special prayer you have..and I would have it by my bed too. Special words for a special momma...with lovely children!

  7. I want to remember this always. It is beautiful. And after the two difficult days we've had here, it reminds me to breathe.

  8. i am so grateful for this.
    i have copied it and will share it with my husband.
    he is my care taker.
    it is a difficult road.
    some days unimaginable.
    this is one of many reasons i am so grateful for all of you and all we share here, in this world i can reach with my finger tips.

    thank you...all of you.

  9. noble and powerful

    thank you for sharing it.

  10. WOW - that is so beautiful. Thank you so much for posting it here. It should be posted in every hospital ward, too!

    Thank you, also, for your tender and loving words and wishes this weekend. I sure wish we lived closer to each other. XOXO

  11. Thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer Elizabeth and thank you to Claire for putting into words what I so often feel.

  12. i LOVE claire's poem. I wrote it down and put it in my medicine cabinet so i could read it every morning. I love claire. Her words have helped me on hard days too. And when i say the prayer, i say it for all of us :)

  13. I'm going to copy this prayer for myself. Some days, taking care of my mother can be very challenging and I have learned to take a deep breath, put other things out of my mind, and try to stay present with her and whatever it is we're doing. Then, a great calm occurs.
