Monday, June 28, 2010


that don't inspire me:

1. people who make a lot of money with little effort
2. humidity
3. Republicans (I probably like you, but you don't inspire me)
4. Republicans who use cliches like big government, tax and spend, welfare moms
5. insurance companies
6. petty anxieties
7. Cardinal Mahoney
8. the color mauve
9. nationalism coupled with sports

that do inspire me:

1. new blogs like Watching the Paint Dry
2. Steve Lopez
3. people who work incredibly hard and make no money
4. people who tirelessly work and fight for the disabled and vulnerable, like Polly Arango, who died yesterday tragically and unexpectedly
5. my special needs peeps
6. every blog on my blogroll
7. the color blue, in every shade
8. President Obama, even if I wish he'd be more progressive
9. Sophie, Henry and Oliver


  1. Here's something which does not inspire me:
    Blogs which use the phrase "full of the awesome," especially when used about the author herself.
    Here's something which does inspire me:

  2. It's SO humid here, so uninspiring.

  3. thank you...
    there is rarely a time i do not leave here inspired. fuller.

  4. Nationalism coupled with sport - i get that. Sometimes (always) it seems that you are not South African if you don't like rugby and braai (same as bbq more or less). Being a non-active person with no interest in sports and a vegan really makes everyone very opinionated about my nationality.

  5. Thanks for stopping by. Of course you like the name "Oliver"! Our "boy" is a sort of rescue dog. As per the breeder's requirement, he was returned to them (through no fault of his own) when his owners couldn't keep him. He's three years old. Of course we wanted him but didn't quite like his "given" name of Buckie. I immediately thought of the orphaned Oliver Twist--hence the name.

    We are pretty much inspired by the same things. I'd add you to my inspired list--right at the top!


  6. Not enough can be made of special needs mom peeps.

  7. you inspire me :)
    great list .... and personal too - not just anybody's list is it?

  8. this list is awesome .
    and I especially love that your inspired by your children.
    I'll add my me too, although I never ever would have thought that. Children are miraculous in every way.

  9. I like your lists. I have a friend whose husband made a lot of money with not a lot of effort (#1 on your list). He retired in his late 40s (gulp). He teases me about the Obama for president sticker on my car, and warns that taxes will be going up. I am so uninspired with his tiring ideas.
