Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Two Years, 745 Posts

First of all,


Today is the second anniversary of beginning my blog. I think that's called a blogaversary, right? The gift to give is cotton. Hmmmm--

I'm thanking you today for sticking by me, in more ways than one. During the last few weeks, in particular, I've received so much support and so much love from everyone here that I don't know what I might have done without it.


I'm happy to report, too, that the insurance industry has decided to approve Sophie's treatment and that we now have only to wait for a bed at our hospital. I am


Gratitude to you.


  1. Congratulations on it ALL. Now get some rest, Mama.

  2. how relieved i am to read this! fantastic. the BEST!

    as for sticking with you? you are morning communion...and evening too.
    thank you for your beautiful mind, courage, and willingness to take us all in.

    and take us in you do!

    i am so happy for you, sophie and your entire family. now for a bed!

  3. The best resolution. And may the IVIG work wonders.

  4. oh, just wow.
    honestly. just.

    gratitude for you from me.

  5. Girl, I have been thinking about you all day.
    I'm so glad to hear this news.

  6. Wonderful news and right before bedtime!! I think I'll sleep better knowing that Sophie will be getting what she needs. I hope you will too.


  7. just posted a comment to the post before this and now see the issue is resolved. great!

    I too have been blogging 2 years - or it will be 2 this august. You have almost twice as many posts as I do!

    Congrats on your commitment, your writing and this recent success with the insurance monster. May the treatments do the magice we hope for!

  8. Hurray! And congratulations on 2 years of blogging!

  9. hi elizabeth. sending you more positive thoughts too. and happy 2 years. :)

  10. Happy Blogiversary, dear friend! You & your words have given me so much pleasure since we've met. I love your blog and your voice (& cotton candy, too!).
    I'm so far behind here, because we've been helping out at camp, driving back and forth and taking ferries. It's such relief to read that your insurance company has decided to pull its head out of its a$$ and HELP you. I couldn't agree more with your post below about the bottom line.
    With love and rejoicing - and now, where's that BED for Sophie? xoxoxo

  11. Woohoo! For everything. Now go to bed and rest. BTW, I spent the whole day with your sweet boy at camp!

  12. congratulations on both counts - prayers have been answered - at least for today. I wrote to the school about the 7th grade for son number one to see if it is even a possibility at this late date. I am available weekends for a Sophie serenade.

  13. I am delighted for you! And congratulations with your blogaversary!

  14. Congratulations, can't imagine the relief. My best wishes that Sophie's treatment brings all of you some relief.

  15. Wonderful news all around! Prayers for Sophie and you...and thankfulness for your presence in the blog world!

  16. I pray the IVIG therapy helps. Take care.

  17. Happy blog birthday!

    Really glad they approved the treatment - love to you while you wait.

  18. I am a new reader of your blog, and am so happy the insurance company finally approved the treatment.

    Happy anniversary!

  19. I've been thinking of you and Sophie a lot ever since your fed-up post and I'm so so happy to hear this news! I hope the treatment will help Sophie a great deal. Sending both of you lots of love.

  20. So, so glad to hear this! It is criminal that it has taken so long!!!

  21. Yay... for your 2 years and more importantly the insurance approval. :)

  22. Wonderful news! I'm so happy for you. And congrats on your 2nd anniversary!!!

  23. So glad the insurance company is complying.

    Congrats on two years!

    Have a great weekend

  24. Thank God. Or thank you for your perseverance. Sending you love and strength and to Sophie and the boys. Don't be hard on yourself. No one has any what you're going through. xo, M
