Sunday, July 4, 2010

Red and Blue


  1. what a lovely cake. We don't celebrate 4th of July in South Africa (well, duh!), but I've seen some posts with cakes and deserts and other things 4th of July and it looks very festive. Hope you enjoyed the day. Personally, I had one of the best Sundays I have had in a long time. I hope that was going around.

  2. YUM! Mouth-watering.

    To answer your question about camp: I don't talk to the kids at camp (or parents) about our experiences, but I have spoken to staff, and most of them have seen the video we made.
    I know what you mean about concern re: discouraging other people...that's on my mind when I talk with families outside of camp, whose children are still in treatment, or who are in remission. But for some reason, it hasn't been a threat to them. Feel free to email me if I haven't answered you fully. xoxo

  3. I love that cake. Happy 4th of July! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  4. Totally impressive! yum

    hope it was a good day

  5. I would say that looks good enough to eat!

  6. i love it when you show your true colours!

    have a sumptuous day...

  7. Now there's some red, white, and blue to well up with pride about!

  8. looks yummy .... but did it make the boys bounce off the walls?
