Thursday, July 15, 2010

Undoing bewilderment and peacefully abiding

The process of undoing bewilderment is based on stabilizing and strengthening our mind. Shamatha meditation is how we do that.

The word shamatha in Sanskrit (Tib.: shi-ne) means "peacefully abiding." Peacefully abiding describes the mind as it naturally is. The word “peace” tells the whole story. The human mind is by nature joyous, calm and very clear. In shamatha meditation we aren't creating a peaceful state—we're letting our mind be as it is to begin with. This doesn't mean that we're peacefully ignoring things. It means that the mind is able to be with itself without constantly leaving.

-- Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche


  1. This is something I know about my own mind, but sometimes forget. I needed reminding this morning. Thank you, Elizabeth.

  2. I don't know. I don't know at all that my mind's natural state is one of calmness, joy, and clearness. It's nice to think it might be.

  3. I needed this today: "It means that the mind is able to be with itself without constantly leaving."

  4. I love this post, Elizabeth. My mind is such a zigzag I never thought it might naturally be at peace. I thought I had to discipline it to peace--and doesn't that sound contradictory?

    Thanks for putting this up.

  5. I want to lay down in that water, and let my mind become cool and quiet with it. In it.
