Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Peach Pie and Trouble in Paris

I had about six peaches sitting on my counter, growing wizened. I cut them up, sprinkled some superfine sugar, cinnamon, and flour on them and tossed it all together. I had a Trader Joe's piecrust, frozen in the freezer (they're perfectly serviceable and have no fake ingredients) that I rolled into my blue pie plate. I dumped the peach mixture inside, rolled the other crust on top and crimped the edges. I made small slits in the top and sprinkled some more superfine sugar on top, baked it in a 350 degree oven until it was bubbling peach juice.

I fed it to four boys playing at my house and then finished it up by 9pm last night.

As for Paris, pillows flying in the living room did this:

Yes, that's the Tour Eiffel, in Lego, gracing a sacred corner of the room, the initial construction of which took many painstaking hours not only by our resident Lego genius, Henry, but The Incredibly Swiss Husband's meticulous attention to detail in the middle of the night.

I won't describe the screams of dismay that reverberated throughout the arrondissment.

Quel dommage.


  1. Oh, I do love peach pie. And I can actually imagine the cries of dismay over the destruction. Oh, my.

  2. Mmm....peach is my very favorite. Looks divine!

  3. i would eaten the peach mixture before they made it into the crust.

    that's serious Lego genius.

    only my brother could do something like that in our circle . He whipped up a CN Tower ( not from a kit , totally free form ) on a visit years and years ago when the rest of us could not even construct the little cars pictured on the bus. It gathered dust upon dust before we had the heart to take it apart. It's a 3D thinking . Or something.

    and the gift you received , for Sophie.
    tears for you too.

  4. would have eaten. geez

    I've been Skype chatting and sending quick emails back and forth with all of my absent family, and am getting into bad habits already. No capitals, no proof reading....

    will you still love me?

    and box. box!! good god.

  5. I understand the tragedy of the Lego's. Our kids would work so hard to create their project and wanted it kept that way ....forever! Of course there got to be so many projects that yes...I did dismantle a few to make walking room...I was not on the smiling list that day....
    Peach pie looks divine! We had a lot of peaches at our house..made jam and cobbler. I froze some for a future pie....

  6. mmm... that pie looks yummy

    we went to Paris for our honeymoon

  7. Quel dommage (et horreur) au LEGO Tour Eiffel, mais quelle bonne tarte! Vous avez fait heuruesement les jeune garcons, n'est ce pas?
    Zut! Ma Francais est rustique.

  8. Ruhan Akter -- Please refrain from leaving commercial comments. I have deleted yours.

  9. I made a peach pie this weekend - I've made three this summer and it's my new favorite thing - although improvising a roller with a glass with ridges made the dough strange and I ended up with something that looked like peaches with abstract art on top. I hope I make something that beautiful one day - truly a gorgeous pie!

  10. Our peaches are coloring themselves like damsels lost in a rouge factory.
    Too small yet to make anything with them but hoping for at least enough of them for one pie.

    Sad about La Tour Eiffel, I see it as some kind of allegory, a soft pillow destroying a tower and all of that. Love your pie, I am too tired to bake but I am dying to make blueberry pie. Want to come over?

  11. ...gosh that peach pie looks so good...i have that same pie plate in dark red....

    love all of it....


  12. Oh Honey!
    I'm sorry, but I cannot help but laugh over that crumbled Tower. Nerts. But, the peach pie helps, just wish it weren't so far away! This makes me think of a Giant Sea Turtle my boys and I made for a Science Project. It was incredible. So life-like that we all wanted to keep it forever, but... it was life-sized! Paper Mache! Well, it is gone, of course. I guess we just can't keep these things forever, right?

    Wizened Peach Pie. Yes.

  13. That pie looks wondrous! Hope it made up (a bit) for the Eiffel Tower debacle. "Quelle horreur!" as "Madeline" would say.

  14. You make pie look so easy! I'll have to try that. As for the tower, quel dommage indeed. Our house is littered with projects (none as elaborate as the Tour Eiffel), most accompanied by a "please save" sign in Ruby's mixed capital/lowercase print. I'm often the one who trips and topples the masterpieces.

  15. What I wouldn't give for a piece of that pie. Right. Now.
