Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Waiting on the nurse

I got the declaration of benefits yesterday from the insurance company, detailing the last infusion of IVIG that Sophie received in July for her ESES. The amount billed was just under $16,000. No joke. Seven hours in an infusion center and xgrams of immunoglobulin. Wowza. Now I just have to wait to see what our portion of this might be. I'll be twiddling my thumbs, thinking about it.

Today is the day for Sophie's second infusion of immunoglobulin. This time, instead of going to the hospital, a nurse will come to the house and put in the IV. The infusion will take about five hours and, hopefully, start Sophie on her way to feeling better and doing better.

We're ready.


  1. waiting with love and hope with you, Elizabeth.

    and I'm pushing for the full $16 grand covered.
    why not.

  2. I'm so glad they are coming to your house this time, what a nice change! I hope the nurse shows up, the infusion goes well, and Sophie is her way to better soon.

  3. Thanking God for that nurse right now...and wondering WHY the HECK you have to pay for life-saving treatment when you HAVE INSURANCE *sigh* Praying for you and your sweet girl.

  4. So glad more help is on the way!!!!!

    I try not to look at hospital statements until I get my explanation of benefits...too much anxiety on what's covered or not otherwise!

  5. Hospital bills. Ugh. Insurance companies. Ugh.

    Treament for Sophie at home? Yay!

    Hoping for good results and small bills.

  6. The hospital bills your Insurance company for $16,000, because Insurance companies always "adjusts the claim" and only pay a portion of it. You, on the other hand, do not have that option if Insurance rejects the claim and you have to pay the absurdly jacked up price. The whole system is screwed up. I'm really hoping that your insurance will cover the full bill. I'm also hoping and praying that the treatment will work and Sophie will feel remarkably better. Love and hugs.

  7. There is so much unfair about what you say here - the cost, the wait. At least someone will come to your home. That should be less stressful, no?
