Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Be Back Soon

There's lots going on, and it'll be all right. But right now, I can't stop to breathe, much less think and write.


  1. Sometimes you need to step back and breath...first comes your family and you...know that your friends in blogland are thinking good thoughts your way. A hug to you!

  2. yet you still offer ....

    be here when you are....

  3. I'll miss you, Elizabeth, but I certainly understand the need to draw breath for a time. I hope all goes well.

  4. I will miss you - but you must take some time

  5. It's okay, sweet sister. I promise you it is.

  6. Oh I hate to see this. I will say a big deep prayer for you in a minute. XOXOOXOX
    Hang in there friend.

  7. Check in when you can. I can only imagine what you are dealing with when I consider the posts created during a normally challenging day. Thank you so much for sharing with us and checking in at my blog.

  8. Hang in there, Mama. Looking forward to reading more of your writing when the time is right.

  9. Thinking of you, with all the good things and hard things coming at once. A step away is good.

  10. Thinking of you and sending love from up the road a bit.I so get this ...as you know,have been doing a bit of the same myself.

    "You know that our breathing is the inhaling and exhaling of air. The organ that serves for this is the lungs that lie round the heart, so that the air passing through them thereby envelops the heart. Thus breathing is a natural way to the heart. And so, having collected your mind within you, lead it into the channel of breathing through which air reaches the heart and, together with this inhaled air, force your mind to descend into the heart and to remain there." ~Nicephorus the Solitary

  11. Take good care of yourself, Elizabeth.
    Big hugs.

  12. Yes, breathe. We'll be here, thinking of you...

  13. You and sweet Sophie will be in my thoughts as you take a break to breath.

  14. Sending strength and love. I hope you are ok. Please call or email if you need to talk.

  15. I know where you are. C'mon in. The water's frigid!

  16. Sending love, love, love and prayers. (Did you realize that your two-line, quickie update was a poem? You really are amazing.)

  17. Praying for you. Get rested!


  18. I'll miss you Elizabeth but take as long a breath as you need. In my thoughts and hoping your find your way through.

  19. Take care of you and yours. We'll be here when you get back.

  20. Thinking of you always, sending love and understanding.

  21. Elizabeth, I'll be thinking about you. Take as much time as you need. We'll be here to read when you're ready.

  22. Blessing. Stepping back. Yes.
    Big hugs and quiet time.

  23. Im going to MISS YOU so much, but i know if this is what you need to do... you need to do it. We'll all be waiting for you when you return!
