Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Days Away from Change

I've seen this video posted in a lot of places of late, and it makes me tear up a bit every time I watch it. It's not the music, although that helps tweak the sentiments; it's the faces of the women -- their variety and beauty and strength as they express If you could go back to right before you had your first child, what would you tell yourself?

There isn't that much difference between what I'd say about Sophie and what I'd say about Henry or Oliver. But there is a difference, and I think navigating and walking this path that we're on and expressing that might be helpful to those who are new to the path.

 Here's what I want to do. I want to make a video like this for mothers and fathers who have children with disabilities, special needs, broken children -- whatever you want to call them -- children who are or have been sick, who live, who have lived, who live in our hearts. 

If you could go back to right before you had that child, or right before he or she was diagnosed, what would you tell yourself?

Please help me to make this video. If you want to participate, make a poster of your answer and have someone take your picture holding the poster. Email me the photo -- elsophie AT gmail DOT com. I will make the video -- I live in Hollywood, folks! I know people!

Let's do it.


  1. Wow, I've never seen that video. I will be participating for sure! :)

  2. I'd tell myself that a vasectomy cannot be all that bad ...

  3. Mine would probably be the same as one of the ones in that video: You are the expert

  4. You're stronger than you could possibly imagine.
    Remember to celebrate the small victories.

    That video makes me cry every time.

  5. I especially loved "trust your instincts."
    You should do this, Elizabeth!

  6. oh elizabth..this is a most compelling direction to take.
    yes to the power of telling, showing, sharing.

  7. This was awesome! I applaud you for making your desire to do your video...

  8. I'd tell myself to run as fast as I could away from my so-called family to protect my child. Now it's too late.

  9. What a fantastic idea! Yay, Elizabeth!

  10. I can't wait to see it.

  11. i invite you to shamelessly promote your idea on my blog sept. 30,
    when i am collecting posts regarding

    get out those paper poster boards and.....

  12. I watched the video before I read on through the rest of your post - and my 1st thought was - I'm sending this to my sister.

    Then I read on through the rest and I'm Sending This To My Sister!

  13. Awesome! I'm getting my poster together today! www.missioncleankids.com

  14. OK. Let's go.
    I will submit a photo. Of myself. My daughter.
    And my favorite: Imperfect is the New Perfect.

  15. Amazing video.
    I'm in. What a great idea - I think it will be so powerful for those just landing on this path. It would have been for me anyway. Heck it still will be!!
    Off to find the poster board.

  16. What a gorgeous idea, Elizabeth. I'll be emailing you!

  17. Having my tubes tied at 25 apparently didn't stop me.

  18. I think this is a great idea! And hope to send you a photo...

    That said...I actually think that what these Mom's already said applies to all us special Mommies.

  19. I will do this with you...just need to think of my sign :)

    Perhaps...."you will endure life-changing loss and you will keep breathing."

    Can I pass this project onto my blog?

  20. Oh this is such a wonderful idea!!!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. What a beautiful idea. I thought you asked, What would you tell your child? To which I answered, "I will love you completely, through anything and everything, forever and ever."
    To myself? "Love conquers all."

  23. Seriously, I wouldn't change my life even with all the negetive aspects because that is what makes the joy so much sweeter. not in regards to the video but the comment about a vasectomy.

  24. I'll do it. It sounds wonderful.

  25. this is a fabulous idea..
    can't wait to see the finished video ,
    and of course I will cry.

  26. elizabeth, i cannot wait to see your video. xoxo

  27. you GO girl! love the idea :) ill try to remember to send you a photo with our poster :)... though i have no idea what i would say to my younger self.... gotta think on this one! :)

  28. Stunningly beautiful.
    Carry on with your idea. It will be stunningly beautiful too. I know it.

  29. Beautiful I'll send you a picture fabulous idea!!! I'll get working on my poster right now.

  30. My first was born critically ill.

    Gotta join in on this.

  31. I totally missed this, how can it be? I really like your idea.
