Saturday, September 25, 2010

Keep Me in the Music

If you live nearby, come on over to The Global Cafe in Sherman Oaks, buy an inexpensive ticket and hear some great music. Touched by an Angel is raising money to keep children with disabilities in music therapy. I am reading my essay from the anthology My Baby Rides the Short Bus, The Husband is cooking some incredible food, and from what I understand, the music represented will be outstanding!

See you there!


  1. That sounds wonderful! If we still lived in So.Cal we'd be there. Hope you had a fantastic time:)

  2. I hope you have a wonderful time at this affair, and that it raises lots of support.

  3. good morning! i hope your entire family is sleeping in...and that the music of giving so generously filled your hearts.

    would have loved to have been there...the power of hearing your voice speak your words...
    would have been enough.
    music and husband manna too?
    hope it was a great success.
