Sunday, October 10, 2010

Flowers in Fall

The dagger-like points of the silk floss tree protect these flowers:

Lemons grow in front of roses.

Purple abounds

And while I long, sometimes, for the crisp days of fall of my childhood, I know that these hot, dry days with the wide blue sky and blooming roses are better for me, for my moods on a Sunday for I am sun-soaked and warm, my thoughts are tempered by heat but smothered by cold.


  1. I have/had such mixed feelings about living in southern California. I grew up in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with four seasons. I missed them in La Jolla. Yet I enjoyed the subtle, very subtle changes. I now have two seasons. Hot and cold! I do know that I miss all the year-around flowering that goes on in SoCal.


  2. beautiful photos. Your blog is looking lovely too.

  3. And are uplifted by the color purple.

  4. Is it SPRING yet? No, it's southern California! What colors, and species of flowers, are there for you to enjoy. Isn't it miraculous, that you can live in such a place and see such sights all year?
    Thank you for taking time to read and encourage me. xoxoxo

  5. I miss northern falls, too, but I love southern winters. I've never heard of a silk floss tree. The flowers remind me of hisbiscus blooms, a little. Lovely photos.

  6. I would not want to rub my hand along the spikes of that tree, but to see it is a joy. Such symmetery. Thanks.

  7. Never heard of a silk floss tree. Guess they are not for climbing!

  8. I am envious. The days are short now, growing colder, although we've been blessed with an Indian Summer this fall. The cold will be upon us soon. I used to think it was the dark that did me in, but I know now, it's the cold. And the lack of green. I miss green in winter.

  9. fascinated by this tree.

    have to google it
