Thursday, October 14, 2010

Still here, but

I've retreated to my cave.


  1. Move over. I'll bring my own quilt.

  2. I feel like joining you in there. I just want to escape and run away and be DONE with things sometimes, especially as of late.

    I hope all is well.

  3. It looks like a really nice cave.

    I'll bring ramen noodles.


  4. Oh my god, can you imagine how wonderful it would be if we could actually do this -- get in a cave together and hang out? Away from our lives for a day or so?

  5. I'll be there! I'll bring cucumbers, goat cheese, and chocolate.
    Wait - if all these people get in your cave how will you retreat?

  6. Have a good time on retreat - I hope you come back refreshed. XOXOXO

  7. I really wish I could retreat with you, too. If Leah brings goat cheese and chocolate, I'll bring the wine.

  8. This looks a lot like the gopher tortoise dens just at the edge of the woods by my house. If you get lonesome, come on in. I'll have the covers all turned back on the queen bed upstairs. Promise -- we'll leave you alone and slip raspberry cookies and hot tea under the door.

  9. Seems like everyone is on the same page but seeing I live in the area,i seriously can be there in a jiffy.

    You know that expression,"Stick a fork in it,I am done"? ... I add "a pitch fork" ... for added umph ... called it fried,call it burned out,call it what you will but i am right there with you.Does that help?

    Probably not so I'll sent you thoughts of peace instead.

  10. It looks quite comfortable, your cave. Mind if I come in? I'll put the kettle on.

    Greetings from London.

  11. I'm out here and have to run to the store anyway. I'll drop some wine, cheese and chocolate outside for ya. I also made some marshmallow snow men to roast or eat raw (to keep all the vitamins in).

  12. Hope it's more like a hobbit hole than a cave. Like Bag End. I'm peering in ...
