Thursday, November 4, 2010

Giving Thanks

I read over at Maggie's World that Maggie's mother is going to list one thing each day that she's thankful for during the month of November. I think that's a great idea, and I'm going to do so as well.

Here's to thanksgiving -- for the entire month! And since I missed the first three days, I'll back up:

November 1st:  I'm thankful that my children have a day off from school so that we could all just lay around in our pajamas and digest the candy we ate the night before.

November 2nd: I'm thankful that despite Sophie having a terrible day, I am able to stay at home with her and take care of her.

November 3rd: I'm thankful that I received the wonderful fellowship through USC and Children's Hospital and am meeting so many new people who devote their lives to helping children with special healthcare needs.

November 4th: I'm thankful that it's November in Los Angeles and spectacularly sunny and warm.


  1. Great idea, and great list. I am very thankful, too, that I'm able to stay home and care for my kids. Big, big blessing.

  2. I will enjoy listening in on your thank you list .... Have you been to: ?

    You would enjoy that

  3. Yeah. I would do this too but, uh, no. I AM always grateful but some days I am not willing to admit it. I love you, Elizabeth. I am grateful for YOU.

  4. i'm thankful for friends who remind me that there's much to be thankful for.

  5. I'm thankful to know you and to be able to come here and bask in your beautiful writing and your thankfulness!

  6. Mmm...I'm basking in the good karma over here.

  7. Well, since we are going around the circle :) I'm thankful for the blogging community, for having met you and for all the support, love, and encouragement I've received through your thoughtful comments and through your beautiful blog.

  8. I love this idea. May I reference your blog as my inspiration to do the same thing?

  9. awesomeness.

    grateful for you, your blog, your mind and heart.

  10. Yes, that is a great idea. I struggled with yesterday as the weather in western Scotland in November leaves you with very little to be thankful other than that you're indoors!
