Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Thousand Paper Cranes

This is my ONE THOUSANDTH blog post! 

Evidently, an ancient Japanese legend says that if you fold a thousand origami cranes, you will be granted a wish by a crane. People wished for long life, for health, for world peace, by folding cranes. The crane is considered mystical and holy in Japan and some say that it lives for one thousand years. If you fold 1000 paper origami cranes, your wish comes true.

I'm getting a late start here but wonder if you'd help me fold 1,000 origami cranes. You can probably guess what I'm wishing for, but since I'm a tad superstitious I won't tell you.  If you're good at origami, make a crane. 

Otherwise, fold one in your mind.

I'm thinking that each post of this blog might be my thousand cranes -- that through this blog, I've met you and you and you. So while you're folding, think of me, thinking of and thanking you, one thousand times.


  1. still on here this morning...
    and saw that you'd posted,

    I can't believe I have met you.

    love love love this.

    and you.

    and of course I'll fold a crane. of course.

  2. Cranes flying overhead, traveling a thousand miles, then a thousand more, finally at your door, Elizabeth, do you hear them calling?
    They are saying, "I love you, I love you. This message is from Mary."

  3. i'm horrible at origami, but i'll fold one anyway... and wish with you.

  4. A few years ago, My Eldest's Montessori class actually did fold 1000 paper cranes for Sophie! I still have them in a bag in my basement.

  5. A few life times ago (early Reagan administration) I was one of many at a no nukes march/rally in Manhattan. It was, if I am remembering it right, one of those glorious, early summer, "I guess the lord must live in NYC" days and hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world were there. A group of Hiroshima survivors were giving out the cranes they had made. I walked for a bit with one of the women and she gave me one of her cranes.

    I still have that crane and every year I hang it up at xmas. I'll take it out early this year and happily add it to your virtual thousand crane collection.

  6. Happy to fold a crane for you.Honored in fact and yes,indeed I do believe I know what you are wishing for.I'll remain silent and wish the same for you,within my heart.

  7. What a beautiful idea. I'd love to do it. Might you put this on your sidebar, too? That way everyone can see it, all the time.
    Congratulations on your 1,000th post! I'm so thankful that I met you here.

  8. Congrats on 1000 posts! I'm not good at origami, but have folded one in my mind--it's bright pink.

  9. No small feat!!! CONGRATULATIONS. And may your wish come true...

  10. Congratulations Elizabeth! I will fold a paper crane for you.

  11. what a sweet post.
    happy one thousand E.
    folding folding folding for you and your wish.

  12. My congratulations! And all the family will be folding. With mixed success perhaps, but we will!

  13. You would have laughed to see me trying to fold that crane... I even watched a youtube video. Then I got determined to do it... and still failed. It's the wing part that gets me. So it will have to be a "thought" crane, but it is beautiful and white, like the great white herons here on the gulf coast - majestic and full of life. A good crane to make a wish on...

  14. One of my favorite origami folds... I'd be honored. And what a lovely milestone. I know I am only one of so many who are grateful for your willingness to share your humor, candor, perspectives, joys and musings. I'm so thankful for Jody's willingess to connect us and hope that someday we'll meet in person. Until then, thank you and in your honor, a crane...

  15. Wow, you! One thousand posts, that's amazing. I am not even to 500 yet.

    I have never folded a paper crane but now I want to try.

  16. Absolutely incredible achievement Elizabeth! How about taking them all and putting them in a pdf file back to back so we can have something while we wait for the book? Thank you for having the courage to share your life and your experiences so honestly - you truly truly truly are an inspiration on many levels. I saw the husband and the boys this morning, and yes - the dual hulled catamarans with the baked enamel paint and custom lettering were not NEARLY as charming as the kid created mini-masterpieces!
    God Bless you Elizabeth B!

  17. One of the young women I work with has had a lot of problems with her joints. She had to have surgery on her knee. Her boyfriend folded 1000 origami cranes for her.

    I will fold them in my mind for you.

  18. We fold cranes in my classroom quite often.

    They are virtually yours (and Sophie's).

    Congrats on 1000th.

  19. Consider it done. I love that you asked for help with this and I love the response so far.

  20. I'm very glad I found you. I have a paper crane a tiny one on the dashboard of my car. Also a gold fish from a seedy motel at the ocean and a black plastic pig with a pink nose that I found oddly on the hood of my car after a concert. They all hold great meaning but not as much meaning as the crane. They are all gifts from the animal gods as far as I'm concerned and good ones. I am so superstitious you wouldn't believe it. Happy Sunday beautiful.

  21. Somehow, in some way, it seems fitting that I'm making my first visit to your blog today (from Hopeful Parents) on such a great occasion.

    Congratulations on your 1,000th post ... and a virtual paper crane has indeed been made in Sophie's honor.

  22. you have folded my heart with every post...
    now, shall we mail all our paper cranes your way???

  23. Congrats on your 1,000th post!
    You blog is one of my favs, I am always inspired every time I come and read it :) ( sry I did not see a spot to enter is below)

  24. I already folded mine. And you probably know what my wish is. Congrats to you on your 1000th blog post. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  25. I tore a page from my last book and folded your crane and hung it in my kitchen window where it now perches watching the snow.

  26. I got to step 6, and am now baffled - origami always gets me this way (sewing patterns, too)! Even if I can't figure it out all the way, I will send my crane to you, Elizabeth. It still has all of the love and intention for Sophie & your family in it. xoxoxoxo

  27. im mind folding a thousand cranes for you right now... and i think i know your wish and want it so badly to come true :)

  28. For you I will fold a crane....if only in my mind.

  29. I have paper cranes...a gift from a work mate that I would love to send your way...

    please email me your snail mail address


  30. I'm Jenny's mom and I will begin folding cranes for you and her and both of your daughters.

    May God Bless

  31. This is the first time that I have seen this post. My eye was drawn to it because of the cranes and the recent work with Japan. I am with you my friend. I am not good at Origami but I will fold a crane for Sophie. God Bless You and her.
