Thursday, December 9, 2010

Expert Meeting

When you read this, I'll be in Washington, D.C., attending an "expert" meeting for a new epilepsy learning collaborative. If I knew how, I'd alter Lucy's sign up there by crossing out the "psychiatric" and write "neurological." For what it's worth, I sometimes believe I actually could hang a shingle and advertise. After listening to my client's problems, I'd probably take them around to the back of the house where we would then throw darts at a board to help us decide on treatment. (You folks in the epilepsy world know what I'm talking about, right?)

Here's hoping we get something done in the nation's capitol.


  1. Honey, if anyone can do it, you can.

  2. ...and here's hoping that you have a blessed time of fellowship, fun, enjoyment of that great city and simple time AWAY. God bless you and your group as you advocate for others!

  3. Sending good thoughts for much accomplishment! xx

  4. sorry, typo

    I meant ahhhhhh coooooooo

    bahhhhhh Your boyfirned talked you into owing an awning that the wind blew down?

  5. Hope you enjoy the conference and get some good info from it!!

  6. I feel like we are in the middle of that game of darts right now. Weaning off meds, discussing which meds to try next, etc. I hope the darts hit the target soon!

  7. We ( the ones in the trenches) are cheering you on in DC. Go Elizabeth! Go!
