Thursday, December 30, 2010

Forward thinking,

King Midas

albeit sobering.

Yes, we must encourage people to work to the best of their abilities and discourage free riders wherever we can--but it seems only decent at this moment to admit how much luck is required to succeed at anything in this life. Those who have been especially lucky--the smart, well-connected, and rich--should count their blessings, and then share some of these blessings with the rest of society.

Sam Harris' A New Year's Resolution for the Rich

To read more of this extraordinary post, go here.


  1. Thanks for this. I printed the whole article out for reading and discussion with the 2 oldest kids for New Years Eve.

  2. My mom and I were just discussing this topic over Christmas vacation.

  3. To whom much has been given, much is expected.

  4. I have never understood people who say that "everyone" in America has the chance to be whatever they want if they just work hard enough.
    That is such a damn lie.
    And the people who say it generally have never done a day's work of the sort that the people whom they are talking about do most of their lives.

  5. A wonderful quote! And I love the spiritual image accompanying it!

    Happy New Year!


  6. Makes me think of Bangladesh somehow. Wondering why I wasn't born there? Or chicago's south side for that matter.
