Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Messing Around

I lifted these two videos from the website I Feel Unmotivated. Watch them if you have a minute -- and not because you feel unmotivated.

My friend Moira of Dog Art Today posted an entirely different but beautiful film of a man and his dog, his thoughts and the beauty of the world around him. It's peculiar and stunning, particularly for artists and those who love dogs. I highly recommend taking the time to watch it.


  1. So glad you enjoyed the film. It has stayed with me as I walk my very old dog. Sending you love as you work your way through physical and emotional side effects of another medication.

    I am going to see the Gary Snyder documentary this weekend and hear him speak. I first heard of him on your blog. Will let you know how it is. xo, M

  2. I loved the running on water. I've known a few people who are sure they walk on water, but I've never actually seen it done!

    I will go see the other video....I am a sucker for dogs.

  3. I like that first one. I'm feeling a little scattered today and that helped boost me in some way. Have you read the book "Blessings of a Skinned Knee"?

  4. Lovely World: Yes, I've read Wendy Moser's book, and I'm currently reading her new one which is about teenagers. She lives here in Los Angeles and regularly gives talks around town. Wonderful, wonderful woman --

  5. Thinking of you and about your adventure down south.Not motivated here,which is unusual but a bout with vertigo has left me no choice.

    Have you read the book,"The Art of Racing in the Rain"? Good read.The main jist is the narrative come from a dogs perspective on life and all that surrounds him.I'm enjoying it.

    Never got back to your email.Sorry.Meds are staying the same.Too fragile of a little brain at this point to mess with it.i am relieved.

  6. I had seen that second video - the walking on water is so cool. The extreme sports make me cringe a bit (too many emergency room visits w/ the boy due to skateboards and the like.)

    Hope all is well.
