Friday, March 4, 2011

No One Gets Left Behind

I had to put on my Pretend Like I Have High Expectations for My Daughter's School hat and meet our private speech pathologist (the one who is helping me to implement the iPad into Sophie's life) there so that she could do a mini training of the iPad with the powers that be at the school. When I got there and ushered her through the iron gates, I changed into the Pay No Mind to the Dark and Gloomy Tunnel/Hallway at the End of Which Lies the Classroom hat, and we walked down the hallway cheerfully. I then changed into the Pay No Mind to the School Aide (not Sophie's) Who is Sitting on the Sofa and Texting hat which was quickly replaced by the Remember that this Place is Only a Small Part of Sophie's Life hat. I kept that hat on for the rest of the time.

Make of this what you will.


  1. Put on the I don't know why do we have to put up with all this b.s paid for our good tax dollars that should be put to use to serve the needs of our children but I better try to forget that or I would have to put on the I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore, but I think Peter Finch still has that one. Then take a big breath.

    Good lord girl, is this madness ever going to stop? Don't answer that.

  2. That's cool that the Ipad is being implemented into her schooling.

  3. Considering Sophie's limited hand use, has her SLP considered trying some of the newer eyegaze systems with her?

  4. Bwaaahahahah. I instruct my clients....just smile and and nod.... And then when you are down meeting with these fools you go out and do exactly what you have to to get your child the services they need.

  5. I'm mixing a fancy martin with your name on it. Those damn school meetings wear me out and I know it must be even more complicated for Sophie. I love that photo and that you can make light of something that I know is so heavy.

  6. you are a very funny person. and on that note, i am taking myself off to bed...

  7. I hope you ended up buying that hat :)
    (and of course I hope that the iPad thing works, but that goes without saying)

  8. You wear them all with good humor and good sense. That texting bit it worrisome.

  9. Um, that hat in the photo - I wore the same one on my wedding night. Just thought you should know.

  10. Big Daddy -- I knew that we were twin souls on some level.

  11. so many hats.

    you are a true philosopher and pragmatist.

  12. Hey, I have the same hat collection. Happily I don't have to wear the school ones very often, because things actually work for Maggie.(Shhhh...don't tell anyone I don't want to jinx it.)

    Mainly I wear the beer hats with the straws.

  13. Good for you and your multi-hats.

    Let us know how it goes with the iPad. What app is she using?

