Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Stress Sermon

San Francisco 2008

I'm going to start writing for a new site, and my first article is up. The site is called Technorati, and you can read my article HERE. If it seems familiar it's because I worked on an old post a bit and made something new. Leave a comment





Happy Sunday.


  1. Darling Girl- I am behind in everything, most especially blog-reading. I just wanted to tell you hello, I love you, those napkins are awesome and so are you.

  2. beautiful article. Chinese medicine has helped me a great deal too. Stress is literally making me sick, and acupuncture and herbs keeps me strong and feeling better. I've tried taking Queen Teen over the years but she's been so traumatized by procedures and doctors she refuses to go and there's no way she'd tolerate a treatment. I can't get her to take the herbs either. I'm glad to hear it helped Sophie.

    looking forward to more essays

  3. Ahh, acupuncture. I'm often telling others to go but don't make time myself. Thanks for the reminder!

  4. wonderful! i'm going to click over and read. xoxo

  5. Good to have another forum for your insights...I like the site. It was easy to feel the peace seep through the writing. Acupuncture cured my chronic respiratory infections. I am glad to know that it helped Sophie and brings you balance. There is so much we Westerners can learn. Thank goodness we have many teachers.

  6. I just want you to know that I have recently discovered the you-might-also-like posts nestled at the bottom of each of your posts and I am finding them quite addictive. I click and read and then oh lord, I find three DIFFERENT posts to entice me - entice me away from paying bills, painting the bathroom, exercising, calling that lady back about that job, making those doctor appointments ...

    It is heaven.

    Thank you.

  7. Marylinn Kelly - Thanks for visiting and it's always good to hear of others' success with acupuncture.

    Noan -- I so appreciate your comments and kind words. Thank you so much --
