Thursday, April 28, 2011


About a year and a half ago, I participated as a board member with the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Los Angeles in a presentation to an organization here in Los Angeles called Women in Film. Along with two other women, I told my story of Sophie's diagnosis and our life living with her seizure disorder. Some of the women in the audience cried openly and nearly all told us later how moved they were.

We didn't know, someone said.

Our organization won the grant and Women in Film produced this amazing and very intense public service announcement. There are four of them -- three depict a different type seizure and the long one is a sort of summary of the campaign to END EPILEPSY. I hope you've seen it on national television, but if you haven't, here you go (and watch the other three on YouTube):

Do me a favor, and pass it on.


  1. I like it. It presents a lot of message in a very short time.

  2. Great clip. I did not know that it could strike at any age. Very informative. My question is what do you do if someone is having a seizure?

  3. That's a terrific and evocative clip, Elizabeth. Thanks. I hope it helps.

  4. Awesome. I hadn't seen them, thanks for pointing the way.

  5. PS I saw Sophie's picture in one of the commercials. Yea Sophie!

  6. PPS I posted the video on my Facebook page too, hope everyone I know takes a look.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing these videos! I hope everyone shares these with their friends and family to show support of the fight against epilepsy!

  8. Wow, powerful stuff, I'll be sharing. xo

  9. Oh and @ Birdie, my local Epilepsy foundation has this poster for tonic clonic seizures...

  10. Elizabeth, Would like to post this on my blog..with credit to you of course! OK with you?
