Monday, April 4, 2011


The first friend I had in New York City when Sophie was a baby, newly diagnosed with infantile spasms, was my friend Jody. Her daughter, Lueza had suffered a brain injury at birth and subsequently had severe cerebral palsy. Jody and I strolled the streets with our girls, our first children, sometimes crying, sometimes bitter and witty, and most always laughing. Not long after we moved to southern California, Jody and her husband with their two girls moved to the west coast as well, to northern California and through all these years, we have stayed in touch, visited one another and talked on the phone for hours.

Beautiful, joyful Lueza died this morning, suddenly, and we are all heartbroken.

Despite the unholy knowledge that Jody and many of us have, that we might possibly outlive our children, it is still shocking when it happens. Unbearable actually, at least in this moment.

I will miss Lueza, her smile, her light, and I am grateful to have known her and to know her beautiful parents. They gave her life and more life and so much love.


  1. lovely. Sweet Lueza. Rest in peace.

  2. Whata beautiful child... how utterly devestating for her parents and for you as her friend... My thoughts go out to both you and her family.

  3. There is no bit of fairness in this world and as I wrote today- trying to make sense of anything makes no sense. Not when a child can die.
    What is there to say? I am so sorry. I wish peace for the family. I know that's a long way off, if ever.
    Thank-you for writing of Lueza. I will tuck thoughts of her in my pockets.

  4. She is so beautiful!!
    Her spirit came right off the screen and into my heart and then to scroll down and then...

    Please know that I send love and wishes for grace and peace and gratitude for letting your Lueza shine for us here as well.

  5. Oh I'm so sorry. I don't understand the world when children can die.

  6. So sorry to hear of the passing of this sweet child.


  7. I am so very sorry, dear Elizabeth.

  8. Elizabeth, so very sorry for Lueza's family and for you, too.

  9. Sending love to your sad heart my friend and peace and prayers to Lueza's grieving family.No fairness,no reason.It all defies logic and understanding.

  10. The loss of this child, this daughter, this hugs to each of you...peace.

  11. There are no word's for the loss of a child.

  12. Oh, Elizabeth...I am so, so sorry to see this. She is a gorgeous girl. You can see her joy and light radiating in that photograph. Please give your friends my deepest, truest sympathies, and to you, too, for your loss. xoxoxoxo

  13. What a beautiful young girl. I can't imagine what her parents are going through.

  14. Oh, I am sorry. She looks lovely.

  15. I am so sorry. My heart aches for her family.

  16. she is joy and beauty.
    even here, my heart aches.
    holding you and yours...

  17. I'm so sorry Elizabeth. What a devastating loss for Lueza's family, and for you too. xoxox

  18. I am so sorry Elizabeth. Lueza was a beautiful girl, her spirit shines through that photo!

  19. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend's daughter, your friend too. I will say a prayer for your family and for her parents. So, so hard to hear of the death of a child.

    Carrie T.

  20. So sorry to hear about this. Send love.

  21. The depth of the pain of that kind of loss is...well, it's unimaginable to me. Just unimaginable. As much as any of us bitch and complain about the trials and tribulations about life with a special needs this or that, I think that deep down we are always truly thankful even though we never actually SAY it, every day, that we still actually HAVE our children to hold on to every day.

    To lose that...well, that is a suffering that fills me with a sadness and an anger that is impossible to describe, and I'm not even the parent. Were I, I'm not sure even sure if I'd be able to move forward.

    There is just too much pain in the world.


  22. This is indeed a wound which never heals and there are never words which diminish the pain. Our deep sympathies...

  23. I'm so sorry Elizabeth! I was anticipating that Lueza had come for a visit when I began reading this blog.

    Thank you for sharing her spirit with us. xo

  24. I am so sorry, Elizabeth. I am thinking of her mother today and send much love.

  25. Deepest condolences to Lueza's family and friends like you. So sorry.

  26. Sending love and light. Love and light.

  27. Elizabeth I am so sorry. What a joy lit face in her. Her mom.. I will pray for them, and for you.

  28. How terrible. I am so sorry to hear this. Praying for you and for the family.

  29. I'm sorry but reading this news and seeing her photo for the first time I am struck by the greatness of her life. The beauty she exhibits despite the struggles and hard work, the toil shared with her family, the connection and sharing of incredible experiences that cannot be digested in a lifetime. The hard-won proof of love.

  30. This is such sad news. Sweet thoughts and prayers to you and to her dear family. x

  31. Tragic. My condolences to Lueza's friends and family.

  32. I'm so very sorry for the loss of this obviously joyful heart. May her family be comforted in their sorrow.

  33. Oh no. I'm so, so sorry. I'm keeping you and Jody and Lueza in my prayers.

  34. Hugs to her parents and to you! FLavia

  35. Our thoughts are with beautiful shining light Lueza and her loving family.

  36. Is not something that I can wrap my heart around. It is just broken when I hear things like this.

    Peace to sweet Lueza.

  37. So sorry to hear this. Sweet, sweet child. My cousin lost her son unexpectedly, and she told me simply: Hold your children tight because you just never know. XO

  38. Oh Elizabeth..I am so sorry! What a sweet face... what a loss! Hugs and love to you hon & her family, Sarah

  39. A fabulous smile! It is beyond my grasp to understand how it is to outlive your own child. I am so sorry for them.
