Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Version of a Mom Blog

Just in case you thought my life was perfect in every way (I know you do), I wanted to show you what went down today, Friday the 22nd of April.

100 mini-cupcakes for a book signing tomorrow:

Butter softening and stuff sitting out for two Easter cakes, to be picked up tomorrow:

The extent of my Easter decorating has been to haul down the stuff from the hole in the ceiling in my Barbie bathroom that leads to the attic. Who put that guitar there?

A drifting balloon from Valentine's Day behind piled up cake boxes and a cheap version of foosball, some cucumber seeds:

Oliver, getting free rein with the iPad for one thousand hours. You're going to ruin your eyes, young man!

Sophie, wondering why I'm bothering her because she's perfectly happy hanging in her room and listening to music:

I never do this, but my bed is unmade:

The perpetual calendar stuck on some ancient day, but since it hangs in the hallway, on the side of a bookcase, I gaze into Marcello's eyes a hundred times a day.

Someone didn't make his bed:

Still life with poodle:

(and I didn't tell you about the seizures because they are just part of the whole shebang, as was the trip to Pasadena to Sophie's weekly appointment with the speech pathologist and iPad guru). Now I've got to go make some frosting for those cupcakes.


  1. the still life with poodle photo?

    and Sophie?
    love the attitude. love.

    I wish I was brave enough to do a reveal like this.
    At this very after midnight second it would show me scooping up the dog and my sambuca and the phone and going to sleep in an empty away at university daughter's bed to escape my husband's snoring. He is home early from a trip and technically it is our anniversary.. but we do what works. sleep works.

  2. why'd you take down the Framed Frankenstein drawings? You're the last person I'd expect to have something against Mary Shelly.

  3. Great job on the cupcakes! I would have just bought them. How can Sophie not be happy in that bedroom! It is delicious! I only make my bed when there is company. I think I am rebelling from when I had to make my bed as a kid. Since I had my home on the market it has been made every day and I must admit that it is nice to come home to.

    Still Life With Poodle. Perfectly fantastic. Love it!

  4. Loving the still life with poodle, and now I need cupcakes!

  5. I notice you have blackeye peas out for one (or both) of the Easter cakes. Southern recipe? = )

    Happy Easter!


  6. The advantage of a poodle, methinks, is that you can still include the floors in your photos. I have three mutts busy molting for spring and... it's too much even for the vaunted dyson. And,to repeat everyone else, the cupcakes make my hungry.

  7. adding my adoration of the "still life with poodle" to all the others' here...

    i love when you do this. when you show me the messy stuff. because there's so much good stuff in between the lines... i don't know how you do it, though, i really don't.

    p.s. my garden looked great yesterday. you'll notice i didn't take photos of the house...

  8. How do you do it darling? And then take those gorgeous pictures? Sophie in her heavenly haven. The dog. The rooms. Those cupcakes. Still life with King Arthur's.
    How do you do it?

  9. i put that guitar there, and there ain't nothing you can do about it...

  10. That looks like a very good day. And I love your version of a "Mom Blog." It helps the rest of us to let out a nice sigh of recognition, and relax with who we are. Creative, a little bit messy, living with family & pets, doing the best we can with what we have and loving our lives, for the most part. Thank you for that awareness!

  11. ... And the black eyed peas? Just curious :)

  12. Love the photos, especially the still life with poodle and the all the paintings/pictures on the walls in the hall. Have to try that.

  13. Now I want to see a shot of the Barbie bathrobe.

    Very sweet photos. Good luck w/ all your holiday baking tasks...

  14. Yet another good thing about poodles -they are so darn photogenic.

  15. Any mom who makes her own bed (usually) and gets one or more of her kids to do the same is tops on my list. I never make my bed. Ever. And I'm too old to start now.

    Love the photos. Hope the cupcakes turn out gorgeous. Will you show us the finished product?

  16. deb colarossi -- Yes, any arrangement works in the service of sleep!

    who -- not sure what you're talking about

    Birdie -- Yes. We are blessed to have that bedroom and Sophie does love it.

    Selene -- I wish I could visit you down under and bring you some cupcakes!

    From the Kitchen - I soaked them overnight and don't know what I'm doing with them, actually. Any ideas?

    krlr - Exactly. That's why we got her.

    Leslie - I haven't shown any photos of my garden, but I will, and sadly, it's not too different than my house!

    Ms. Moon -- You know I don't DO it a lot of the time. Sigh.

    Adrienne -- That shit from the Wii or whatever it's from drives me insane --

    Karen - Thank you. I admit to loving a good, perfect mom blog, though, but healthily don't aspire to being one!

    Kimmie - Soup? With ham and kale? I don't know, yet!

    Lillith - Yes. In your new place. Our house is very small, so it's good to hang everything somewhere!

    formerlyonlyamovie - It's a Barbie bathroom -- so small that only Barbie fits!

    Noan - I was quite pleased with that random shot.

    kario - I LOVE a made bed -- something about climbing into an unmade one makes me feel gross. But, hey, I'm not judgmental :)

  17. Mmmmm. cupcakes. am working tomorrow and hope to be showered with untold sweets... our residents' families rarely disappoint.

    love the poodle photo.

  18. This post is so raw and funny. Dare I say it's a "real" mom blog, with all the loose ends and ambition of daily life with a holiday and a new business and doctor's appointments thrown in. And, the Valentine photo is exquisite. Seriously, think about framing it, someday...when you get a chance. Keep taking photos. You have that "decisive moment" quality that makes them wonderful.

  19. I'm not a mom, but this was a great trip through a real mom's life and very funny. I love the Still Life with Poodle. I wish I had it hanging on my wall. And oh what I would have given for Sophie's room once upon a time...Maybe it's not too late.

  20. I love glimpses of your life. The good. The bad. The sassy. The sublime. The poodle art. The sexy poster. The honesty of the unmade beds. The current cake celebrations and the not so current balloon floating aimlessly wondering where it celebration went? The perfect purple cocoon plumped around Sophie to protect her from the seizures. Thank you for sharing.I look at some of these blogs of artsy folk and wonder at the perfection? Is there joy with perfection? Not much me thinks.

  21. Your kids make their beds?

    I use the same brand of flour.

    You MUST be a mom blogger cause your house looks really clean :)


  22. So glad ElizabeththeBaker is a thriving business! Hope it's also fun. The extent of our easter decorating here is buying mini chocolate eggs, pretending to be the magic easter bunny and hiding them, and having a chocolate egg hunt on easter morning. Then, the magic easter bunny disappears, and the now parent reminds her children that eating all the chocolate eggs for breakfast is not a good idea.
    Happy Easter weekend!

  23. those cupcakes would taste great with my morning coffee... especially after eating hospital food!
    and still life with the poodle is priceless
    my golden only knows how to lie down on beds.
    he's very very still, aka lazy and cuddly, but the effect would be lost

  24. i have missed you. this week has been heart crushing in every way.
    today is easter.
    i am making my best attempt at rising above the weight of life and embracing the light.
    i have started here.

  25. You mean your just like the rest of us! :)

    and baking yummy looking cakes and cupcakes in the midst of all this.

    happy a cupcake

  26. i love this. beautiful family. thanks for taking on on such a special tour.

  27. What a gorgeous house! My little rental is 600 sq feet. It could fit into your kitchen. Love the photo of the dog. Beautiful and pensive.

  28. ps. My son shamed me into making my bed so when he's home I do it :p

  29. the poodle pic rocks... it cracks me up! keep us updated on the seizure situation please :(
