Monday, April 25, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

Mini chocolate cupcakes with orange frosting

Yellow Cake with Bittersweet Ganache and Marzipan Eggs

Perhaps the only nutritional meal consumed over three days --

Working off the sugar --

Easter baskets

A smashed clown nose

Sophie's Easter basket

Sophie, attempting to eat a chocolate ladybug

Does Sophie look a bit like Bob Dylan here or what?

The wraparound balls were a huge hit. Way to go, Easter bunny!

I also made Ms. Moon's Angel Biscuits, and there's a big bowl of the dough sitting in my fridge. Last night we ate them with ham and honey. They were excellent, and it was good to be eating a little something permeated by such a dear blogger friend!


  1. The cake (pictured above, I might add) was DIVINE. Everybody just loved it, and I think it tasted better because I know you baked it :)

  2. lovely wrap up, and unwrapping.
    thanks so much for placing the shrine button on your blog, your support means the world to me.

  3. Wow! What a bounty! I'm pleased you were all so blessed this weekend. Now, take a day off ;-)

  4. She does look a bit like Dylan in that shot.

    Loving all the Easter goodness. xo

  5. Very classy Easter Baskets and yes, Sophie DOES look like Bob Dylan, early years.
    I hope the biscuits turned out to be lovely. I would so wish that. I wish I could make them for you. That's what I really wish, dear Elizabeth.

  6. Those are terrific baskets! What a lot of fun.

    I seriously love Sophie's hair! Awesome!

  7. Your customers are _so_ lucky that you went back to baking! And those kids sure do have a Classy Easter Bunny. x0 N2

  8. love this. and no, i haven't started the laundry yet : )

  9. wow... you put my easter efforts to shame.
    I love how everyone and everything just looks so cozy.
    This is a testament to you..
    you have a home of love and light here , Elizabeth.

  10. I took not a single picture on easter.

    and yes. dylan. spot on.

  11. yummie! i love the chocolate ladybug :)

  12. I've been away and have somehow missed (I think) what you finally settled on as the name and website for your cakes -- what is it? I was just in New Orleans and took some pictures of fabulous pastries at a wonderful place called Croissant d'Or; will post soon; thought of you...
