Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Someone's telling our story, and it looks fine:


  1. Wow! I love this age of everyman documentary-making, when we don't have to wait for some Hollywood producer to give a project the thumbs-up. So many more stories can be told. Thanks for highlighting this, Elizabeth. I'm passing it along.

  2. wow. they did a GREAT job on this.

  3. love love love

    the power of this.
    of seeing and being seen.
    these children in our lives.
    teachers all.

  4. I agree with rebecca and it looks like this film will do a lot, if people watch it, to allow these children the venue to teach us.

  5. I don't' know how to express what I want to say, gotta think on this.

  6. When does the full length documentary come out. I would love to see it. I used to work with a child with CP. That was when we had decent government programs that assisted children with different needs. Sadly now there are huge wait lists and not enough staff. Most of the funding and programs have been cut.

  7. loved this... is there more to come? do tell if you know!
    makes me also think of kids with mental illness ( this idea of needing to "prove" what's going on in the brain)... we know so little, or stated more positively there is so much more to learn!

  8. Wow. That was powerful. Thank you for posting that.

  9. That looks excellent. Honest. Not a pity-party or an "inspirational" story, just the truth. Thank you for posting this.

  10. I found the link to your blog from another blog.. when is the documentary coming out? I really, really want to see the whole thing!
