Sunday, May 15, 2011


As of this writing, the cakes are all made, the ten-year-old boy sleepover party is over (at 2:30 am when I morphed into a screaming battleaxe), three baseball games have been played, and five loads of laundry are folded and put away.

I'll leave you with scenes from the party:

Pre-party dancing

The Big O can dance --

Henry and his buddy Noah

In the interest of people's privacy, I won't post pictures of the boys who attended the party except in a general sense -- but they were all WILD. They hung from the trees, ran around with toy guns playing cops and robbers and war, opened their mouths and screamed war cries incessantly and generally tore up the neighborhood. I stood in the doorway to my house and made feeble efforts at control.

Henry's homemade death-defying zip line

Thank God -- another use for the Halloween costume -- (I'm such a good mother)
 What about cake?

We started with a chocolate cake with plain white butter-cream frosting. Lots of candy in bowls all around:

Oliver gave orders to begin the decorating process:

All hands necessary to push in the ten candles 

String licorice -- Pollack style

Do your teeth hurt, yet?

Happy Birthday Oliver!


  1. The first photo of Oliver dancing is so gorgeous. I want you to be my birthday mom.

    ps. My birthday is the entire month of July.

  2. This looks like a wonderful day for the boys; I'll bet they will never forget it! I hope you have a day or two of peace to allow you (& your nerves) to recover from the party. =)

  3. LOVE is rolling off my computer screen in waves. Rapturous.

  4. Love the birthday boy, the cake, the activities--so glad I wasn't there!! Happy birthday to Oliver.


  5. What a great party! Will you host mine next? ;)

  6. When you got the moves, you got the moves. And that cake is like celebrating Mardi Gras in the middle of the winter, good for the soul.
    Happy Birthday once again and never enough to wish someone much happiness and joy over and over again.

  7. Love that cake and what a great idea. It looks like it will almost collapse from the weight of the candy. In other works, it's perfect:)

    Happy Birthday to Oliver.

  8. So much fun! Love the pictures!

  9. Happy birthday to Oliver!

    You forgot to add to your list the most important item: you're bloody knackered. :-)

    But, oh, the feeling, that feeling of a job well done, that feeling of seeing your little one having so much fun is worth all the tiredness and effort, isn't it?

    Fab photos. Loved the first one, especially.

    Greetings from London.

  10. Wow! That cake is right out of Willy Wonka... LOVE it!! So glad it was a fun time for everyone.

  11. Yes. My teeth do hurt but my heart is happy from those pictures.

  12. Oh, one of my absolute favorite feelings in the world is that heady mix of relief and happiness that floats around my home after a successful birthday celebration.

    And that cake - divine.

  13. LOL at he cake! I love it! How fun was that??

  14. I'm exhausted after reading this post!! Looks like the boys had so much fun...and I can't believe how productive you were today!!! Happy Birthday Oliver!

  15. He is aptly named your Dessert :)

    I know for if a fact you are a kindred spirit - the homestyle birthday party is just a little more proof

  16. First dancing photo made me so happy.

    As did the candy covered cake.

    You can throw my kid a party any time.

  17. Happy birthday to your little man--I just recovered from Friday's SMALLER SCALED and NON SLEEPOVER 6 year old birthday bash. You have fortitude I do not, Elizabeth!

  18. Holy Crap, that cake! No wonder they were up until 2:30! I love the helmet, too. Looks like they had a terrific time. Happy, happy day, Oliver!

  19. The joy of Birthday Parties!! It looks like Oliver was having a bang up party indeed...and talk about decorating the cake!

  20. What wonderful memories you are creating for your kids! I just love that candy covered cake, and the look on Oliver's face. Happy happy birthday! (and glad you escaped the next day for a movie ALONE).

  21. Happy Birthday Oliver! Just looking at all that candy makes my teeth hurt.

  22. *Letting the kids decorate the cake was genius. I think that's just about the coolest cake I've ever seen.

    *I love that on top of EVERYTHING ELSE you're dealing with, you let lots of 10 year old boys sleep over (I hope you had some wine). You are an awesome mom.

  23. Thanks so much for sharing these gorgeous photos! How did you manage all of this?

    I loved the balloons and cake. Hugs, Louise

  24. you are a GREAT mom. and that birthday looks/sounds like ten-year-old boy heaven.

  25. You're all loads of fun. Now I have an idea what to expect in a few years. His face in that one cake shot -- priceless.

    And I haven't seen string licorice like that since my childhood. You have much to show me in LA. :)

  26. Hi Me again. Do you know the photographer Gregory Crewdson? That first photo up there Oliver and the balloons, reminds me of his work.

  27. You're a brave woman. Not just a b'day party, a Sleepover!

    LOVE the cake idea. Looks like the kids had too much fun.

    I bet Oliver remembers this b'day forever.

  28. Happy birthday to Oliver. It looks like you made a fabulous B'day for him. You are such a good mom.
    x0 N2

  29. Lots of bling on that there cake. Would love one like this for my birthday :)

  30. Wow, that is THE BEST CAKE EVER! What a fun idea. The candles are perfect too. The whole thing delighted me. Love O's pre party dancing. Your living room is so pretty.

  31. You are a brave mom. The 10 year old boy sleepover party sounds like SO much fun - in photos :)

  32. The word is way over-worked but in this case applies - that is the most awesome cake ever. You are such a great mom. xo
