Monday, June 6, 2011

Seven Deadly Sins of Monday, Number One

Envy: A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.

This is what I'm thinking about, today, o.k. feeling, actually, but I'm working on it.


  1. We're all sinners, even though we try so hard not to be; we're HUMAN, and sin is just part of the deal, from what I can see. I'm so relieved that you aren't perfect - we couldn't be friends, if you were!
    I love that photo card, and my mother would adore it! May I borrow?

  2. If it will make you feel better, yes, my dear, you can have Pearlsky.

  3. Go for it, then wash your hair.

  4. One of the many emotions I fly through. It is not the worst, love.

  5. Envy all you want and enjoy least you will never, ever have the luxury of sloth to worry about.

  6. At least it's a kickin' sign of desire, if you can just separate that out from the sludge... I'm too tired for anything more than wistfulness.

    But, ahem, back to the Buddhist perspective...

  7. I know the feeling.Perhaps not for the same reason,who knows but definitely been feeling envy,like for woman who have husbands that are home before 9 pm.Just for starters.

    Beautiful cake.

    Love all the books.My house looks similar,except with children's books... tons and tons and tons of them.I dream of opening a children's bookstore one day.Fear that one will remain just that.a dream.

    Did you go to the movie Saturday morning?

  8. I need that picture for my kitchen. Oh yes, I do.

  9. That cake is so gorgeous. And yeah I live inside of that one a lot.

  10. Envy always finds a home. If it's not one thing, it's another. What do you envy?

    That is a beautiful cake, dear Elizabeth.

  11. Envy will hit the road if you really hang out with who ever it is for any length of time. We all suck at this.

  12. It will pass. Sending hugs and Katie if that helps:)

  13. I hate when it slaps me in the middle of an otherwise okay day.
    Just when I think I've risen above it.

    Perspective is everything , but still.
