Thursday, June 23, 2011


When we weren't stunned by the desert heat, we were in the water.

And no, I'm not showing a photo of myself in a bathing suit. But I will re-post this because every time I see it, I laugh.


  1. And I'll say again that you look beautiful. And your boys are such sweet handsome loves.

  2. Your boys look like they had a wonderful time and I am glad you got to laugh. :-)

  3. There's nothing wrong with the photo - you just appear "far away" or perhaps a little 'sun struck!'

  4. Great photos and atmosphere. There's nothing like a swimming pool to kill that never-ending humid heat. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  5. Your boys are getting so big. You look like a movie star.

    Enjoy and yes, I'm jealous. I'm leaving for work right now. And there's a fire across the street from my hospital and I'm wondering where I'm going to park.

  6. Why is it I find it cooler than I do funny? I love that pic for the cool factor and the fact that the glasses are very retro-ish, plus the fact that I know in higher res I would be studying them to try to see the photographer.

  7. that photo of you definitely has some fabulousness!

  8. well, I think you're movie star gorgeous in that photo. you look a bit like elizabeth taylor in her younger days. and that water looks sooooo refreshing! the boys look like they had fun - you're a good good mama.

  9. Love your "look." And the boys look deliriously happy. I'm so glad you were able to have a little escape.

  10. Ok. I giggled, too. Love the photos of the Boys. Today it was 95 and according to the sign at the gas station "feels like" 117.

  11. Water is the only antidote for sunbake. Cute pictures.

  12. I love that you all got away like this! The photo of you looks a little like some 1950s film star - I love it!
