Friday, July 15, 2011

My boys are home, safe and sound from their respective camps. The energy level in the house has ratcheted up accordingly.

Despite Carmageddon, the roads seemed relatively peaceful today. I spent nearly the entire day organizing crap that was stacked up everywhere in my house.

I threw some baby spinach in the Cuisinart with a handful of walnuts, some Parmesan cheese, and olive oil for a pesto to go over linguine for dinner.

Sophie is playing with her beads in her room. She had a nice session with the therapist who works on iPad/communication stuff with her and only a few seizures today. The impending decision/work about the Modified Atkins Diet for seizures is just that -- impending. I'll think about it tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day.

The sun is shining through my bedroom door and the palm fronds are rustling. The air is Los Angeles summertime warm and cool together with not a speck of humidity. I thank the universe every day for this weather.

The moon, I believe, will be full and I'll be looking at it tonight with all of you.


  1. I so wanted to look at the moon with everyone tonight but it is raining. Which is lovely. But still. Think of me, darling. Okay?

  2. Shanthi! Shanthi! Shanthi! Peace always - I 'll pray this for you dear Elizabeth.

  3. I'm looking at the moon in new york city and thinking of you, dear Elizabeth. It's cool and bright tonight. Love.

  4. I miss the moon .... And the sun :(
    Glad for you to have them both though :)

  5. What a lovely peaceful post. My day involved Cars 2, and so...much less peaceful. Our weather was blissful today, wasn't it. SO blessed, especially when I talk to my friends in Texas!

  6. You and me both.On bad days,just to step outside and feel the sunshine,almost year round,is easy,cheap therapy.

    Love Summerland.Quaint little place.

    I have a friend,who lost her little guy and before he left this world,told her he would come to her in the full moon.Thank you for the reminder.

  7. We have a light tunnel in an upstairs bathroom that makes it look like there is always a full moon almost close enough to touch. It is raining hard on this still-dark morning, but a little later, I'll go upstairs and meditate on moons, the elasticity of distance, and how all of our shared blogs help to knit our broken places together.

    I love the sound of your palm fronds rustling. What is that word? Susurant?

  8. glad you had a relatively peaceful, good day.

  9. So hot here at night it's like being under water with the big, bright moon shining through. Is this modified ATKINS the ketogenic diet? I have a friend who put their daughter on it and she has seen a dramatic reduction in seizures.

  10. We had a beautiful clear night and I saw the full moon rise over the mountains through my bedroom window.

    is the modified atkins like the ketogenic diet?

  11. So pleased that the boys are home and you had a great day. Thanks for letting us have a peek into your life (I love that the palm fronds are rustling).

    Our moon was glorious last night before the rain set in.

  12. oh, how my soul has missed you...
