Sunday, August 21, 2011

I'm tempted to never travel again

Stuck inside of DC with the LA blues again --


  1. Good use of Dylan.
    Traveling these days by air is just horrific,isn't it? Are you home yet?

  2. hoping you get home soon, and safe.

  3. Did you cancel your flight?...hoping you get home today!

    My daughter and I fly out in 4 weeks...please let us have no issues..please! I like to get where I am going but I don't enjoy the plane as I once did. They never seem clean and so many bodies in one space sort of freaks me out. I do a lot of mind numbing exercises and try to keep to "my" space. However we have a long flight and I will have to use the icky loo at some point. AAArrghh.

  4. If you ever forget this feeling and need a reminder, come to me. I've become the anti-travel agent.

  5. UGH. How awful. Wishing you speedy and safe travels...eventually.

  6. I have the worst travel luck ever, so much so, that my peeps don't want to accompany me. Hope yours takes a sharp turn for the better!

  7. Last Thursday I had exactly twenty minutes to get from curbside to my gate. Let's just say that running is not a good thing when you're 50 and have had three kids. I was thankful for a jacket to tie around my waist. And, yes, I made my flight. Superwoman.

  8. What a great song title that would be....Clint Black maybe? Singing Stuck Inside DC With The La Blues Again. I smell a grammy.
