Saturday, August 13, 2011


Jean Vanier at L'Arche London
When we begin to believe that there is greater joy in working with and for others, rather than just for ourselves, then our society will truly become a place of celebration.
Jean Vanier
Your comments yesterday were so thoughtful and provocative. Thank you for them. In keeping with the spirit of my post and those comments, I was happy to open up my Word For the Day and read the wise words of Jean Vanier, the Canadian Catholic theologian, philosopher and humanitarian who founded L'Arche, an international organization that creates communities where people with developmental disabilities and those who assist them share life together.


  1. Hi Elizabeth, I don't know if your word for the day is from The Henri Nouwen Society, but if it is not, you might want to subscribe. He was quite an amazing man who worked with Vanier. thanks for the wonderful quote!

  2. thank you for this perfect bright compassion from jean vanier.
    you have brightened my moment.
